To Women Who Make Invisible Things

in #poetry7 years ago


All One.

Alone. Seems like a bad word.

Something to fear, or avoid.

But what if you love it? All oneness. Aloneness.
What if you savor that ability to know and sort your own mind...
more than trivia, or any of the things that would keep you interesting.
Does that make you depressed, or disordered, in some way?

Society still feels organized for unitssss, and volume...
moreso than stragglers, and loners.

And, so what? lol

You may be a monk in the marketplace.

A contemplative in the city.

A poet or birdwatcher. An artisan.

A noticer of the itty bitty teeny tiny micro-wonders.

An optimistic believer in our species' sapience.

Wild. Free. Questioning civility.

It is easy to lose your own scent.

Your own sense, of which way is your way.

Convention isn't always, necessarily bad.

But it also isn't for everyone.

Some women's wombs are LIT UP, like an airplane runway
calling out to incoming sperm, for safe landing, and life-making.
(That, hopefully, is cherished thereafter.)

Great! How else will our species survive?


some women's wombs are to incubate other kinds of gifts
for our shared ecosystem that ARE NO LESS VALUABLE,
even if wrongly -- or as yet -- appraised.

And that is the part that I wish to voice.

That we (the collective, social mouth) might recognize
a change that is happening in many, though articulated by few.

Because it is damn hard to put into words.

Especially sensible ones.

But I will try, because I know the written and spoken word

Our words make paths.

I want to walk a path that does not pity

a childless, or single, status.

Good parents are heroic.

Happy marriages are lighthouses.

Science and church don't agree on much,
but they do agree and postulate that
life wants to go forth, and MULTIPLY.

Most cultures -- East and West, 1st and 3rd world --
presume some form of familial structure/unit.

Solos do seem to be increasing, but it's still
the kind of status that engenders pity and concern from friends.

Those without children, and/or lovers...
those of you on a more solitary, off-beat,
less-celebrated path, whatever it may be...

I celebrate you!

Your devotional work for planes and projects
that don't even keep tally here.

Which is entirely okay, because it's not that kind of game.

With score. A winner, and losers. So passe.

All one.

Possibly, alone.

Immensely valuable, of your OWN accord.

Union is beautiful.
And I will first plunder it, with myself.
Solo head held high, all the while...
with my mind on my mission,
and my mission on my mind.

Rejoining plants and people.


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@erikaharris You made me ponder my own loneness in this posting. No Brothers, No Sisters, No Spouse, No Children. You cannot force where the Creator wants you to be.....................


No Brothers, No Sisters, No Spouse, No Children.

Hey, @stokjockey, we could start a club... if we weren't so prone to be alone! haha

One day we will meet in person. I can feel it.

Great piece👍
An ode to the lonely ones...
But then, are we not all?!

"Those without children, and/or lovers...
those of you on a more solitary, off-beat,
less-celebrated path, whatever it may be...

I celebrate you!"

@erikaharris i celebrate you😘

Aw, THANK YOU, @thinkermyles! 🌸

Anytime dear.

Very good post.
I have Resteem and Upvote your article for progress and forward together.

Your poem beautiful, you know i have a poem like this too

great publication, very interesting has my vote, greetings.

My sister is one of those childless people. She has a stepdaughter who lives on a different continent but she chose not to have her own. The beautiful thing about my sister is how she nurtures the people around her, young and old. She encourages and inspires and provides for anyone she comes in contact with. She has lots of spiritual children. I can see that you are doing the same...connecting with love. You are not alone.

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