The beloved son of manicuare, a precocious poet

in #poetry7 years ago

Good morning community of steemit, this day, I bring you a great love story of one of the great poets of Venezuela, to be more exact Manicuare - Sucre State. I will talk about Cruz Maria Salmeron Acosta.

He was born on January 2, 1891. Son of wealthy parents, Cruz María studied in Cumaná - Sucre State, and graduated from high school in 1910. It is there where he meets Conchita Bruzual Serra who becomes the great and only love of his whole life.

A young woman born in Cumaná - Sucre State on October 9, 1894. She meets Cruz María with only 13 years of age, for her also her one and only love.
Cruz María Salmerón Acosta goes to Caracas - Capital of Venezuela, to study her university career, she studied barely one year of law. In that year he was diagnosed with a very dangerous disease and for that time very contagious because there was no existing treatment known as Leprosy. Cruz returns to his lands, Manicuare, to spend his illness there, away from everyone, including his love.

There was the house of his family, which was renovated and made the museum of Cruz Salmerón Acosta. On my trip, in search of the life of this poet, I met a man studied about the life of Cruz Salmerón. a gentleman and a little older named Julio Hernández. He told me that Cruz lived in that house for a short time with his parents and brothers. Then he was built near the house where the poet recites and writes many of his sonnets.

In this picture we can appreciate the house built for him. Just behind and near the house where their relatives lived.

In this house reside all the memories, letters, poems, written to his girlfriend Conchita, whom he had not been able to see for a long time. It is in that house where the great poet writes his most famous poem.

His poem "BLUE" inspired by many reasons but with a main and very important for him, his girlfriend Conchita.

Blue of that summit so far away
towards which my thought flies,
under the blue peace of the morning,
Color that reveals me so many things!

Blue that of the blue sky emanates,
and blue of this great sea that comforts me,
while I see in it the vain illusion
of the vision of the wing of a candle.

Blue of the landscapes of April,
sad blue of the lyrical reveries,
that do not calm the intimate bores.

You only worry me when I suffer cravings
of kissing the blue of those eyes
that they will never contemplate mine again.

Poem that was immortalized and captured under a statue of the writer poet Cruz María Salmerón Acosta. What can be understood of the meaning of this poem is: Blue speaks as a revealing oracle. Blue is the matrix in which the hope is born of the appearance, after the wing of a candle, of her beloved, Conchita. The blue, so concrete, kisses. He kisses the blue of those indescribable eyes that "will never contemplate mine again". Blue represents the exaltation of the poet's life to the summit, to the beautiful, to peace. The anguish only appears, tangentially, when the target of the wing threatens to swallow the sea.

Many said that he had committed suicide, for which he writes a letter to Conchita called by the same "Cordera"

This letter with the words of this great poet. he expresses and explains to his love, that he is not dead, that he does not intend to commit suicide, because he still loves life. He tells him not to be sad, to listen to those comments, which have no reason to be. he asks that his love for him not wither.!

Being in that, wonderful and full of stories, home I took pictures of the bed in the which was found when he died, when his soul went to heaven to recite and write poems to his great love and send them with beautiful sunny days, with beautiful birds, and who knows how many infinite forms our poet showed his great love, from heaven his feelings for her.!

the people of the town tell that there was a great drought. That they did not have enough water for consumption. On July 29, 1929, the date of the poet's death, it was that same day that a torrential rain began which they expressed as a work of love of the poet towards his people. On the day of death, his love Conchita could not be in his funeral, because he was in Caracas and his transfer to manicuare is very far away.

As an intense testimony of that love without equal, in the newspaper El Nacional de Venezuela appeared, on January 3, 1942, an interview with Conchita Bruzual Serra, which was published in the Cumanian newspaper "El Mensaje" on October 20, 1976, entitled "A blue love wrapped in shadows." There is the picture of Conchita with the booties she wove for the son she wanted to have with her beloved Cruz. The date of death and place is testimony of a relative: Alejandro Bruzual. Conchita spent 83 years of single life. He died in Caracas, on November 10, 1984 at the age of 90, absolutely in love with Cruz.

I hope you liked it, greetings to all. photos: Author.

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