๐Ÿ‰Graphic๐Ÿ…- A Short Compilation of Frustrations ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ™Š DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE OFFENDED BY STRONG LANGUAGE

in #poetry โ€ข 7 years ago

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Giphy is pretty cool

Strictly For The Boys
Before I get too far into this particular piece, it deserves explanation. I was a single father of two adorable children and at one time, I was a happily engaged father of three. A day to mourn comes once a year, forever will I question the righteousness of God, though I see that it makes me appreciate my other two kids that much more...fucking hard doing this. Nobody I know can truly relate so trying to talk about it is almost futile. Sounds like ranting and bitching about the past, things I cannot change, but it is truth and necessary to understand some of my writings. My third child was born with a genetic mutation known as Trisomy thirteen. His lungs didn't form all the way. I distinctly remember being in the delivery room, watching him make his way into the world just as his two older brothers had. Only, I noticed an irregularity on the top his head, there were what looked like sores, and thus those sores have left me sore... He was whisked away and for two agonizing hours, at least a hundred and twenty minutes without my third namesakeโ€ฆ in all reality, I did not get to see my third sonโ€ฆ Then back they came with the news... He would not live. We (my ex-wife and I) prolonged the inevitable as long as we could. She worked graveyards and I was the stay at home father, doing odd jobs here and there and hustling what I could. The machines, the machines! I could only stand them for a mere month before turning them off and taking matters into my own hands. Even with the iron lungs -as they were- in place, I still ended up bringing the poor soul back to life countless times each day. So I got rid of the machines...well over a thousand times did I breathe into him the breath of life and finally kiss him the kiss of death. If you would like to - talk to me personally on this matter. (sigh) But, I am thankful for my two fully functional and extraordinarily healthy boys. They are my world, and I am their rock, still standing strong, and growing in strength beyond strength...


Today I mourn for the one that wasn't really born scornfully I raise my fist to the Lord and shake it vehemently questioning His so called authority. Curses be in my very words as though I were damning the entire earth to suffer the same fate as a Christian. No breath left. Four months from this day. Forty years for the sake of mankind's mistake...exactly to the day of his death. Think I'm kidding? Look to the stars and you shall know my wrath...my anger...my pain...it heads this way now. An earthquake to top all earthquakes...oblivious by their own bliss and self discovered joys...sick bastards the whole lot of them...what did I ever do to you? It's times like these when I just want to drink and drink and drink and drink until my blood is so filled with the poisonous firewater that I can barely stand or comprehend anything...teetering and tottering...to the point of falling face first on the bottle that brought me there...BUT...I do not...I am not weak like the mere human mortals that proudly and disgustingly call themselves men. I pity the fools that drown their sorrows in pools of puke and piety. But not them...not themselves, no, I don't pity them, I pity their souls, and hearts. They must be damned and heavy laden with regret and low self-esteem. Cannot rise above what they once were with the aches from their past dragging them down as a heavy anchor does a dinghy with a hole...the sorrow...I have felt sorrow from borrowed time that wasn't mine a full nine to just take the little time he never had...sadness, madness confusion and rage...all too obvious from the words on this page...happy fucking birthday...I love you...take care Lucky...for you truly are the lucky one not having to see all the shit men creep in and out of from day to day...you won't ever have to experience the pain of losing someone dear, the pain of a blade slicing your skin as you cut into your first apple...the pain of falling down off of your bike you just learned how to ride...the pain of that first tooth popping from it's readily rotted root...the pain of a friend moving away to a new place or even worse the pain caused by a woman...but then again...that's not worth missing...I say to you... you lived well my son...thank you for your time...

The Real Me...A Tale From The Darkside

Very few know
who I am deep down
way down inside
where its dark
where the epitimy of an evil split soul
stays under lock and key
keep it under control
when shit gets tainted
the angel fainted
brush off those wings
the lovebird still sings
but you're deaf and blind by the ignorant schemes of friends falling behind...
What lurks in the shadow of a malevolent mind?
Should I take revenge,
no, I already did.
Now you know not to fuck with the kid.
I really could make your life a living hell
with an invoked pain inscribed in a spell
but i'll choose not to, just in case
you change your ways and decide to save face
The demon so desperately wants to rise
I can see the glimmer in the mirror in the back of my eyes...
Try to take the plank out but alas, for nought,
True love? What a happy thought.
It doesn't exist, surely you agree,
muddled by the puddles of hypocrisy,
at least that's how love has treated me...
Promises, promises, thats why she'll never be free.
So fuck it, heavily guarded
never shoulda started...
Why put all that effort into it?
If you just rely on the same old bullshit...
Yadda yadda, bitch please point the finger in the right direction
you'll fail miserably upon a spiritual inspection
If you were a male I'da done kikked the shit outta you
pounded your face with permanent scars
released the anger
much fear I sense in you
I feed on it, like a great white does wounded whales
you're helpless
impaled on my spear of tears and enmity
no longer you a friend to me
I must call you enemy

Just a Few Beliefs... (lyrics)

I believe it's do or do not so I've got to fill my plate
there aren't any second helpings only the time that I create
people say that things are hopeless I say it's not too late
i am god you are not and they thought they got it straight
I'm here to turn this bitch on and light her ass on fire
dig my dick as deep as she goes and even deeper inside her
when i get in that zone, she reveals my desire
unrestrained and unwired i am the tenor in the choir
go ask anybody why i am the sharpest with a blade
you cannot run you cannot hide i am the stranger in the rain
you must comply with what i say, i cannot die i feel no pain
only rage when i engage immortal combat turn the page
so i figure with my blessings I'm setting stress aside
give me rivers alive with cheddar better do more than just survive
unleash me and no surprise i rise higher than the skies
time to drink the nectar expect me to free more than just your minds
as i completely defeat any god damned opponent
forgiveness at my feet in my discreet atonement
i show you demons i mean it as i reach out and choke you
I'm not joking provoke me and all your dreams will be broken
so don't push me you pussy get in and ring the bell
this gifted wizard has lifted pain's tainted spells
shifted the steel fisted to get that bad taste of hell
out our mouths
cuz you know damn well
I haven't ever feared the reaper, i beat up death itself
there are no what ifs
there are no never can tells
only whos whens whats whys wheres and how the hells
as I expel all the benevolence by believing in myself
Just like everything that I've done was to test you
just to see if you believe that you can be the best too
just to see if you believe in how a God has blessed you
I pushed all your buttons like who the fuck are you?
cuz i don't care where you're from
and i don't care where you've been
I don't care why you think you are here
i only care if you pretend
i don't care who you know
or give two shits about your friends
i giveth and taketh away (and give back)
so quit the bullshit and start listening
there is nothing you can say that i haven't already heard
read between my lines and devour every word
make good use of my time and don't forget to learn
I am X40L1N
don't take it for granted that the fire is burning
You will be whatever your mind can conceive it to be
open your wings and take flight over the tallest trees
my river runs through it so prove and sail beyond the seas
and don't say you won't
cuz i wrote
all you got to do-
is believe.

I Will Not Give In...

(As the dark one tries to re-enter his life he weighs the pros and cons...)
(He wonders in his heart and soul just where is it he belongs?)
A ghost from the past tried to possess my body again today,
I was scared and wasn't sure what I should say
I played along all the while knowing
that in my backyard, only good seeds will I be growing.
I guess I was showing him that I could play along
let the menial imp go ahead and sing that muted song
but then greed started to seep in
the hunger for money began to creep in
think of the possibilities keeps runnin through my head
and I feel I made a wiser decision instead
two lil angels beggin me to be legitimate
so I did a little courtsey and punked out on a pirouette
then lust grabbed me by the shoulder
she kept saying a few drops and it's over
and then I got to thinkin damn she's purty
maybe I should, what's a lil harmless flirtin
my mind starts jerkin and I almost give in
then i remembered that witch is a deadly sin
not that it matters too much, I dealt with them quite a bit
every now and again...I put up with their bullshit
but that specter
not me
go back to the grave in the name of what is holy
You know I command the stars and all within
I can conquer all shapes and forms of sin
though I be but a man
imperfect in my flesh
I suggest you heed my words
merlin the earthen wizard
wiccan voodoo
who do
you think you can possess?
not me or did you forget?
I battled you and the reaper and we kicked ya bum.
Stay out of the way of THIS...
I bind you as I find you need I remind you I am the kind who
turns the tables and burns the wax
the eye with which I see god watches all your backs
as I raise my rod and lift my staff
I banish you back to the looking glass
shattered; and you are no more
you cannot come back through any of my doors

Superhuman (lyrics)

I used to hate myself
I used to rape myself
I used to do all I could to deviate my self
From the world...
and all the bullshit
this whole hellhole can kiss my thick dick
A human race? Well, this time I win
This is where you end and I begin.
Nobody knows the truth
They only hear what you
Feed them the lies to prove
You'll die before I am through
I'll let everyone in on what is real
All the lives you've tried to steal
All the times you've made us feel
Like these wounds won't ever heal
I fear no more, fuck your war!
I know what you're doing...
I fucken told you before, don't ignore me...
I am superhuman.
I used to fill myself
With shit to thrill myself
Take a pill try to chill
But still could not kill myself
I did not want to face your half-assed life
Without a trace I'd run and hide
I'd slip away into my own demise
But now I'm not afraid to make you mine
And once the battle starts
I'll tear this earth apart
I'll bleed the diseased fleas that we are
from her molten heart
To make up for all of her scars...


Goddamn that bastard, so fuckin stupid
take a shotgun blast a hole in Cupid
To think his aim is always on point
Dumb son of a bitch musta been smokin a joint
Burn his damn wings so the shit can't fly
take a hot iron and scald his scoping eye
Yea right
just a forgotten fairy tale
stale to the ears, like unread mail
give me the full plate
defend my heart
shining and greater than any fukked up lil sweetart
art the canvass
this is the intersection
straight ahead
on into perfection

Wuteva Bitch

Say one thing and do anotha
glad you not my baby's mutha
I'd fukkin slap you in your cheeks
both of em
go ahead with that shit then
you so full of hate, I'll show you pain
make your mutha fukkin eyeballs strain
sprain your brain with my chemically insane
technical sound pounding out cold rains
my season is almost here- I'm bitter
you bold to call me old man winter
jack frost causing you to pause and linger
on my magic fingers, like an anal splinter
using my supreme letters of discretion
making bedwetter first impressions
cannot see I'm sending good intentions
you only feel the defensive loss of direction
gotta get it out sometimes ya know?
can't stop think about a ground out ho
can't stop to think about the way i flow
can't stop to think just continue to go
out the door to someplace new
somewhere far far away from the likes of you
and all you do, though you may be true
it sticks in my side like hitch hikers glue
so what
you think imonna abandon my friends
its just a screen away from all you immature kids
so mean in the way I explain this shit
but i found green grass and I won't be leaving it
i keep it mowed to my perfect height
i mold it shape it and spend each night
petting and patting its tight ass just right
living and laughing; so fuck you, awight.

(for my bro tho ya know?)

Been there bro
I know the feelin
had a few women get my heart reelin
turn out to be nothing more than the season
flavor of the week but I gots my pleasin
fuck em all I say, or at least the cute ones
take they asses out and have a lil fun
maybe get some head
hell make that bitch make you cum
plant a big puddle on her triflin tongue
i gots hate like you
I been heartbroken
fell in love
but now im chokin
back tears
words unspoken
fuck fear
I keep on gropin
my way up that ladder
dont ever look back
tell that bitch to kiss your ass
thought about callin her
makin a pass
but never got round to it
left the rest to chance
If you cant join em beat em
the oldest war
man vs woman
sorry bro
i know your sore
so bond with me now and promise yourself you will
not fall
in love

(Judge not lest ye be judged)

For things in the past,
things I HAD done
things that don't matter now
shouldn't ever tell anyone
keepin my mouth shut
from now until then
so what if I'm a slut
I know who's my real friends
try to be honest
tell someone who cares
just being myself
just trying to share
but alas for nought
some of the things I did
even just the thought
even though I was still a kid
it's who I was
not who I am
but circumstances
cause eyes to bend
they don't see what is
they just see what was
forever they live
in the past with no love
I suppose tho
I'm not really meant to swim
being one of life's sharks
with the beautiful dolphins
where is fancy bread?
in the heart or in the head
a little nonsense now and then
is relished by the wisest men
love that book
tho you read only the first chapter
now you'll never know
about happily ever after
less by chance
there is a change of heart
and you truly wanna dance
with a great white shark
call me lenny
this is my tale
try hard to love
but to no avail
went from cant wait to see you
to your past is wierd
I've seen everything you know
why give you into fear?
I don't understand
why one wouldn't wanna try
I guess candy is only sweet
until it starts to taste why
who I am now
who i was before
I believe it's called learning
I've walked through many doors
the wild side
the underground
things such as this
pushes me even farther down
so far one day
I'll be unseen
act without talking
know what I mean
you can call me mad
give me a jingle
you can call me sad
I make your spines tingle
why the hell
do I even write anything
does anybody read
will my bird ever sing
where did my wings go
I thought I was about to fly
I almost lost hope
now I...
face the day
a little more frustrated
why do they
make things so complicated
make it simple
I make it work
I make it reflect back on you
with a simple verse
the power of the tongue
the power of my sword
you too shall be judged
so sayeth the Lord
three spirits shall come
in forms unexpected
be they friend or strange
you have been connected
before I am anything
through what I am always learning
I am by name
the spiritual warrior

Misfit (lyrics)

No matter what they say (let me take the stage)<3rd refrain?>
I will always believe (its time to set me free)<3rd refrain?>
There is no place (let me release the rage)<3rd refrain?>
For the likes of me (let me find my peace...)<3rd refrain?>
(verse 1)
no chance
since I was born
now you are warned
has grown its thorn
will feel the scorn
I make believe that nothings real
I pierce myself just to feel
Disgusting sickening wretched knife
The scourge of humanity they call life
These puzzle pieces just don't fit
Forced to swallow so much bullshit
Make the pact and promise yourself
Do all you can to fight this hell
(repeat chorus)
cold stares
I try to smile
who cares
but my inner child
when I run wild
I get fucking hostile
I am the vigilante on the prowl
Tiger styles with my fierce growl
Welcome to my dark dominion
Where sin is just a matter of opinion
There are but two things that exist
One that makes me clench this fist
Good and evil like night and day
It all depends on how you play...

The Battle of Entry

So strong is the sword, the written word.
Mightier once spoken, from wind to the world...
Loud and clear yet silently heard...
In fact it impacts each woman man boy and girl.
The spiral of time...each second it swirls...
compassion and crime...resistance to curl....
persistence unfurls its existence to twirl
on a coil that's spoiled from toils and tight turns
as it burns it churns and we learn to cope.
Malignant denial has defiled the hope.
All the while exiled, we return with a rope
to lasso the assholes in charge of the choke...
the coke and the smoke all the impurities...
the thugs and the drugs the insecurities...
With brass balls we halt any further sureties
despised by God...we are sent to cure a disease.
The righteous ones-our mere thoughts can disrupt
the plans and actions of anything corrupt...
Ness' and Earps, Robin Hoods interrupt
with eruptions the assumption is that we're nuts.
But no, just blessed with the power you crave,
foresight, insight, all that was lost by the knaves
when they tried to make us slaves by numbering the page.
Forsaken are they as we now stake our claims.

The New Man

Crippled ripples no chitter chatter.
Flattened dimples in a lumpless batter.
A rogue's a knight's a warrior's rabble.
One more horse molded for the battle at Babel.
We are not cattle no serial numbers.
We are not slaves or toothless bumbles,
we choose our names, we create the thunder.
We stay humble in wait for their blunder.
The world gets torn and crumbles asunder.
We were once the hunted, now we are the hunters.
Homerun hitting pitchers not sacrifice bunters.
My whole team consists of annual gold-glovers,
MVP's, all-stars, and silver sluggers.
We take back the purses from those thieving muggers.
Robins in hoods, we're fighters and lovers.
We are the baddest of any of you mother fuckers.
One on one we can kill you with our bare hands.
We are deadly weapons, the most lethal of man.
You are all scared shitless because this is God's plan.
What is written comes to pass like bodies buried in sand.

(can ya hear me)

You mutha fukkas up on capital hill
can you blind asses hear me?
tryin to keep me down, tellin me to chill
tell ya big boi, obama sold out
obama sold out
obama sold out
listened to the speeches self contradictive
tell you what mutha fukkas somthin gotta give
bout to have to slang fuck that shit
doing my best to scrape up legitimate
under the table fuck it keep it low
might as well be that high class gigalo
only tell ya once ho, this dick aint free
from now on I'm chargin you to be fuckin me
gotta get money, anyway I can
friends of mine robbed me, better hide your hands
comin for ya now, dint rob just me
dumb mutha fukkas robbed my family
how I used to be
you NEVER knew me
fuck you and everytime I gave you my shirt
straight off my back capitol hill perverts
fuck em, they don't see me comin ever
cuz I blind you with maces blunt side devils
bout to sell my soul for world domination
rule with an iron fist tyranny destroy the population
sick of all this shit, take out ninety five percent
rebuild everything nuke the face of the planet
from the underground up, busta bust I hear ya
time for me to start diggin again come neara
If i had the time if i had a mic
erytime i get close some bitch ass bites
ruthless now fuck all o ya'll
trust no one makes total sense now
ima be a backstabbin son of a bitch
fuck it anyway if its gonna be like this
whos takin over, I AM.
fuck a ripple I make tidal waves to destroy vietnam.
got a line to China, from kuwait to pakistan
heavily armed now in afghanistan
I see what they doin hope you are prepared
when the trojan horse opens you WILL be scared.
Told ya so, but do ya listen
hell no you want that ice to glisten
so fuck you, get what you deserve
new politickin I'm the military's reserve.
My sword cuts into backs
the way it attacks
if you know you done fukked up
you feel the effects...

while I'm writin
riots like a titan
I'm the dove that's in flight n
I'm the love of a life n
the thief in the night n
the reason is right n
the season's in sight n
their defeat is my excitement...
here's why they compliant
I'm the number one client
I deliver doses of defiance
in my martial style of science...
they haven't seen the pure potential of this prodigy
they haven't seen my superior striking ability
they haven't seen any more than they want to see
(what I've let them see...)
I'm about to be unleashed,
this beast of an arteest...
like nothing they've ever seen...

Air Duct

To all the glam and glitz I rigged that bullshit with a sinker
You polluted my rivers, what on earth were you thinking?
Stealthy short and stalky, I got past your guards and blitzed you
NHL hitting you stupid bitches and giving your asses blisters
spin the wind affinity twitch, stitch a magicians twister...
grip this I'm gifted, sifted out of the sticks and splinters
pitching heat seeking splitters in the ninth a no hitter
game over, I'm sober, the biggest shitting runt of the litter
swinging sabers not in favor of the latest fads and styles...
I am a quiet noise
hear the loudest riot
My inner child's the pilot keeping me from the violence
we deny you your highness, bitch, now! bow to the brightest
shining stars...like your roof is on fire...
they don't care? you're just a god damned liar!
They're scared of death, and afraid of live wires
better call me sire, the white wizard whipping belial
I got no interest in anyone that fibs squibs and pretends
laugh now you know how I contend with the best men...
Defending more than you simpletons can possibly comprehend
using my telepathy to checkmate the heresies in governments
because I AM. as I continue to expand my knowledge...
they do everything they can to keep me out of college
so i stay under the radar and all they see is a wallet
the beginning of destiny or whatever you call it.
I see the time is now, and this the place
it's time to grow what I've sown as i cut to the chase
you think you mother fuckers own this human race
it's time you clones are shown my Amazing Grace.

You Get What You Give

see, it's like this...I been disrespected too much...undeserving of the way I been treated...I had given all the women in my life the utmost respect and trust...I know now that that was a naive mistake never to be made again...sorry...but uh...
I can't give two shits about a typical bitch.
Why the fuck you think it's just me and my kids?
Treat me like shit? You just fell in the abyss.
No more kisses...just suck this thick dick.
All you bitches care about is money fast cars and clothes
A lil bit o' jewelry turns you all into hoes
I fucken hate women spinning all out of control
Get the fuck out of my rolls, just lick my balls.
Got no more love for ya, just a cock you can suck.
Make it cum bitch, then IรŒm going to fuck you in the butt.
Force my fist in your pussy, tear your cunt up
and leave you lonely on the floor you stupid ass slut.
You deserve nothing but shit
for your lack of respect
Shut the fuck up
I ain't even through yet
I curse you with a lifetime of horrible relationships
Tired of your selfish games and foolishness
maybe one day one of you bitches will be true
maybe one day I might even love one of you
you know all the things you should and shouldn't do
and how to keep me-but until then...FUCK YOU.

Got to Let IT Out For a Second

as it approaches...the midnight hour
I can feel the power
take control of the stone sour
now or
I sever
the devils from ever
coming anywhere close to clever
so whatever
you think you can try
to occupy
my mind I
tell you time after time
I'm so unkind
to the blind
aspirations of an overzealous
friend too jealous
to comprehend
that this is where I blend
all the spices and herbs
so concerned
with what you learned
as I learn each day
a new way
to convey
all I can say
and explain
to this race
that I'm not putting up with it
all the bullshit
lick on my dirty dick
I'm tired of the power trips
all of the cowards whips
won't leave any stripes
on the red white
and fighting
nothing but invisible ghosts
that are hosting
to toast
an explosive
contortionist's horror
as I seep through the doors
of the unknowing explorers
conquering more
than you could in any war
have I told you before
as I exert all the hurt
in each line and each verse
intertwined with my pines and confined in a curse
got to let it out for a second
these weapons connected
to what I know is unexpected
but THEY wrecked it
go check it
my telekinetic inspections
gives the horses directions
to extorted elections
and their greedy beguiled imperfections
a piece of a mind that's certain
you can't stop what's burning
you can't clock what's turning
And you definitely cannot drop your burdens.


If you had been real and not a lie
I'd have made you so happy, you'd probably cry.
Full body massages upon request each night
your clothes would be pressed, your boots would be shined
You surely are no Anne of Green Gables
you're one of the fools in Aesop's fables
You fit perfectly into many bad labels
and you tried to tell me you were an angel...
I'm taking your rented wings and burning your fake halo
so sayeth the Lord, He knows of our pain so...
any person involved in your devious fiasco
is cursed to suffer the same fate you are attached to
All the tears my children have cried
are probably less than the times you have lied
you're another one of those fireflies
and you've been in the jar too long and up and died
Say good bye to mommy..."goodbye mommy, goodbye"
"hey mommy...we promise we won't cry..."
"hey mommy, we know your love is a lie"
"go ahead and die mommy...go ahead and die..."

Ranting and Raving

Lord hear me now, I felt the pain
I can't even look at that bitch's face
it fills me with sadness madness and rage
all to obvious since you've seen the page
we had something special but not good enough
the sex was great gentle ecstatic and rough
but you lied to my face that shit isn't love
just another notch on my dick cuff
and all that stuff, bitch please go away
get lost go to hell die from cancer and fade
into the shadows never to escape
down in the gallows of my epitomizing hate
you're a living dead girl, I gave you life
you turned your back on the one that cried
you turned your back on the one that cried
you turned your back on the one that cried
remember that night? you told me you'd never leave
bunch of bullshit, to think I actually believed
a word you said
they still resound in my head
I'm fed up with thinking about you
and all the stupid shit you do
just stop calling no you can't see my kids!
to think I was falling in love with this
fuck you.


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Saddest thing I've ever had to read and the worst thing a father should never endure.

All I can say is the greatest hardships are given to the strongest warriors.

Stand tall brother, and fight!

Appreciate it, and I do. Nothing is ever put on our plates that the fates feel we cannot handle. Some plates are bigger, some people get more plates. I've fashioned my many plates into a very maneuverable set of armor my friend. :)

I get it bro, i really do

I hope you find inner peace.

Great article @enginewitty! Frankly speaking I did not read it to the bottom but the beginning is quite sad and in the same time motivational. I think you are a strong man that deserves the best. All the best to you and your family !

Thank you :)

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