what I remember

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

what I remember is this –
the leaves whirling in the park and slapping my face
creaking with the knowledge that soon all will be gone
only bare twigs will remain, shivering in snow and icy rain
autumn has come and left me breathless
a reminder that everything in life will pass away
the warmth of summer blooms and sunny days

what I remember are the stars –
their dire warning of doom as the wind tries to blow at
the tears of children afraid to be born to this world
of hunger, scarce, disease and gloom
afraid to play and laugh, saddled with a legacy
of violence and hate, perpetuated by parents
immobilized by apathy, unable to act

what I remember are –
the teens being called upon to shoulder adult responsibility
of fixing climate change, greed, inequality and sin
unable to bear the cold wind tearing at their faces
not knowing how to piece all those leaves together again
they opt for oblivion and swallow the plentiful poisons
so easily gained in any home or street lane

what I remember about being a teen –
is having raging hormones occupying my mind
taking up all of my energy and time
without the additional burden of having to change society,
ridding it of the dirt and grime of unscrupulous hypocrisy
of false promises, lies, possessive, abusive love
Elvis on my mind, I was bereft of boxing gloves

what I know is –
and am not surprised, that suicide is on the rise
among teens that are unable to survive, they are the ones to watch
not the ones who fit in, out of touch with realty, themselves
having bought the fact that the naked emperor has clothes
the others’ hopes having been dashed, hearing god is dead
and there is nothing there instead

I remember –
that a cold harsh wind is but a ray of sunshine in disguise
but who will tell the children to have this hope
alternately not telling them lies, that matter is all there is
for the young idealistic beings will have no place to hang their hats
and find it easier to simply lie down and die or become the walking dead
I pray that parents will wake up and act before it is too late.


Nicely written!

I am really enjoying your poetry.

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