"Politics" - A Poem

in #poetry6 years ago


The king is a pawn
The queen is gone
The board is a mess
The pieces won't rest
Players own the game
They win all the same
They laugh
And laugh
And laugh...

Image sourced from pixabay.com


I don't know where you live (oh, that's right, I do ....)... In my world I've never seen a chessplayer so much as smile! Even your illustration chess-set doesn't look too cheerful. But then, considering the mess, you made me realise how I wish we had laughing buddhas for presidents and ministers; instead of the ones laughing all the way to the banks or the next press-the button moment....

You're right, real chess players do seem pretty grim! I guess I always picture the folks who run society behind the scenes as laughing though. I wouldn't mind a few more peaceful Buddha-like leaders myself

But is the queen gone? Seems every time we think she is, she re emerges so that the pointless fight between false factions called republicans and democrats can continue, instead of us all banding together as victims of the central bankster Cabal and then fight our true enemy. You speak truth my friend. It's all a game. People's lives. A game. Sad. But great poem. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you. It definitely applies to republicans and democrats but anywhere in the world you can find political games being played, the pieces will be encouraged to keep their eyes at board level and never think too hard about who's moving them around and why.

This is true. It is a Pavlovian game of reward and punishment. Treating us like dogs, putting us in cages when we "misbehave", and throwing us the scraps off their plates when we play along. But fortunately, I don't think the "powers that be" saw what would come from the Internet. Created by their own hand, the possibility of their own demise. Beauty at it's best.

I hope that the availability of information via the Internet speeds up progress and shifts us as a species to a better place but I'm always aware that there are people who like things exactly as they are and won't lose without a fight.

Oh of course they do. They get to laugh at us while we die of disease they've known how to fix themselves for quite a while. All the while making their fortune off the same diseases we don't have to die from. They have technology that we couldn't imagine. And they get to get off on their little power trips. And they are little in respect to the universe if you think about it. They don't see it, they thing they are the reason the universe exists but in reality they're just as small as any of us. The difference is that they are far fewer in number. So if they want a fight, then okay. I will never aggress upon another but I will defend myself. It is a duty we have as living creatures. But there's the debate. We are being attacked on a daily basis with our food and water and so many other ways. So am I just sayin that or do I mean it? When is the breaking point that we enact universal law and protect ourselves. I am not condoning anyone break the law, but simply asking, when is enough enough. Fortunately there are still many ways we can defend ourselves without violence. Because that is the last thing anyone wants.

Hello friend and very true your words, they always triumphing and smiling and we pay the consequences.

To your order, honey, go through my bog so that you can support me in the last content a little contest. Greetings.

Great peom, keep it up, you are not far from the truth.

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