"Evolving Self" - A Poem

in #poetry6 years ago


Every day
Turn the page
Transmute peace
From the rage
Fear not
The loss
Of the old you
Crawling the ground
Before your wings grew

I'm a fan of marginal gains. It's not the same, but in some ways it reminds me of the compounding penny because it takes time for the results to be visible. If you've ever seen a chart that measures the compound interest from a single penny doubling every day for a month, it's clear that the initial interest isn't very impressive at all. Then around two thirds of the way in, it starts to look very different and after that it seems downright miraculous. It's hard (but not impossible) to find those interest rates with money but when it comes to personal change, imagine what we could accomplish if we could start with minor acts of positivity and then add to them a little each day. That would add up to a radically different life than we would have lived otherwise.

Here's one of those charts in case you'd like to see what I mean: https://www.al6400.com/blog/a-penny-doubled-everyday/

Image sourced from pixabay.com


I love your perception generating filter Monique. The way you look at things and are able to convey them just hits the bullseye (for me) everytime. I'm quite the fan of those marginal gains in personal change <333 InJoying this journey with you so much! Thank you :)

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