SteemitPoetryContest #14 - The Signified and the Signifiers

in #poetry7 years ago

I have a love of philosophy, and it started in college. About the time that I realized that this world, this reality really, was a bit more complicated than I had first imagined, thats when I fell into the arms of old dead dudes and their thoughts. You know, that moment when you realize that you don't know everything? Or, maybe you still do know everything?


Old Dead Dude #1, with a very philosophical mustache.

Ferdinand de Saussure is an old dead dude who, among other things, helped explain the difference between words and what they are describing. You might not think about it, unless you speak another language that is, but a chair is not really a chair, its a bunch of material crafted to sit upon. We just happen to call things crafted to sit upon, chairs. There is a difference between the word chair and the reality of what we call chairs; after all, my wife calls them sillas.

This is neither here nor there, except that this is where my mind goes when I start thinking about words. Socrates, too, long before Saussure, considered the difference between word and form, form and reality. With all of these forms in my head, I set out to write a poem for @terrycraft's very motivating Steemit Poetry Contest #14.

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The Signified and the Signifiers

They say that pen is mightier than sword,
when used to resonate with brain wave chords.
And I hope you'll not think me too unt'ward
for considering each and every word.

Using words properly, our mental test,
Understanding symbols is of int'rest.
Our words signify reality's depth;
defining concepts is a mystic quest.

Light philosophy that floats on the breeze
or heavy leather tomes filled with treatise,
since the ancient times of wise Socrates1
words have been used to bring men to their knees.


(1): Old Dead Dude #2

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Thanks for stopping by once again! I know that I have been posting a lot over the last few days, I will not be able to keep up this pace, I'm just putting it out while I can. Its back to Líbano tomorrow for us, and there are many great projects waiting for us once again.

This is my 8th official, full-length poem this year (not counting limmericks, haikus, free verse or rap songs ;) so I am nicely ahead of my goal, and it seems like there are plenty of poetry competitions on the Steem blockchain to take me through the entire year and entire goal of 52 (or more!) poems this year.

Love and Light to All!


I really enjoyed this post @ecoinstant. great point: words only describe reality, and they are interchangeable. "C'est ne pas une pipe" comes to mind ;)

I agree, it is a nice poem!
"It is just the image of a pipe" was my first encounter with philosophy in school when I was twelve :) memories...
have a great day!

How true, my friend. Well done!

since the ancient times of wise Socrates
words have been used to bring men to their knees.

I am in awe of the power of words.

I have created a trophy just for you. You can learn why and download it in this post:

You definitely have talent for fun and engaging writing! Your posts always give me a chuckle (at the very least) :)

What a good goal to have - 52 poems. Poetry does not flow from my lips - that is for sure. So, I have one official post up - you got my first vote (nothing moved, so don't get excited lol) and you are getting the first comment. :)
That is only fair since you were the first follower :)

This is a good one man.

Thank you! From a talented poet such as youself, this is a meaningful to comment to me ;p

"...but a chair is not really a chair, its a bunch of material crafted to sit upon." Once that train of thought starts rolling, I'm not too sure it ever stops. And that's the fun of it, (at least for me).

Nice poem! But I had to bust out the dictionary to check the meaning of "treatise"... ;)

Made me look too! For some reason I got paranoid!

For all future readers and readings, I shall include here Herr Google's definition:

a written work dealing formally and systematically with a subject.

Love and Light to You!

No need for paranoia, I had just never met the word :)

apakabar buddy ,, you are healthy aja ,, hopefully the activity went well

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