Walk Through Memories

in #poetry6 years ago
  • The future is asleep on the shoulders of giants, we find the universal formula of success and beauty through scientific creativity. Childhood, business and results pass through the gates of time, I remember your gaze and gentle love that started on the bridge.

  • Organic reality overcomes the illusion of happiness on the lips of nature; underneath us, we have forgotten as we talked about fairy tales. We move to the entrances with the enthusiasm of passion, the new ships come with happy faces.

  • Hug me with the kisses of dreams, you started the avalanche of emotions with the source of infinite love. Our traces become a lantern of destiny that gives us happy moments, angels witnessing incredible details of sweet relationships.

  • Our poem reverberates through the universe through the vibrations of creative mysticism, our victory is a proof of superb love without any delay. You are a memory that is not forgotten, you are the reality that leads me in the future.

De este poema quiero destacar:
  • La infancia, los negocios y los resultados pasan a través de las puertas del tiempo, recuerdo tu mirada y tu suave amor que comenzó en el puente.
  • Nuestras huellas se convierten en una linterna del destino que nos regala momentos felices, ángeles testigos de increíbles detalles de dulces relaciones.
  • Eres un recuerdo que no se olvida, eres la realidad que me guía en el futuro.
  • Desde niños comenzamos a imaginar nuestro futuro, el tiempo va pasando y gracias a las enseñanzas nos vamos volviendo exitosos. Cada paso que damos es una huella, una marca para las siguientes generaciones. Si el aprendizaje esta bien sembrado, ese amor no se olvidara. Bello poema @dobartim
    From this poem I want to highlight:
  • Childhood, business and results pass through the doors of time, I remember your gaze and your soft love that began on the bridge.
  • Our footprints become a lantern of fate that gives us happy moments, angels witnessing incredible details of sweet relationships.
  • You are a memory that is not forgotten, you are the reality that guides me in the future.
  • Since childhood we begin to imagine our future, time is passing and thanks to the teachings we are becoming successful.
    Every step we take is a mark, a mark for the next generations.
    If learning is well sown, that love will not be forgotten.
    Beautiful poem @dobartim


    g r e a t . f e e l i n g . o f . s p a c e .

    I am glad you like it

    most welcome :))

    Our love burns bright like the sun
    Its a mystic so many cant comprehend
    Love that erupts volcano of intense feelings and desires..
    Love that will bind us till forever

    Hehe.... That's mine too
    Lovely poem

    Thank you very much

    Beautifully written @dobartim sir talking with pictures and making memories is universally appealing. This is how memories are made... by going with the flow.

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