A Sign of Love

in #poetry6 years ago
  • We cancelled the idea of illusion on a row of challenges, we changed the tickets for the movie on the memorial bench. We made wise choices on the rivers of information, circling around the countless ideas that come to us in magical and awesome dreams.

  • We create a greater value of happiness on the waves of thoughts, we create parties on the secrets of success and abundance. We have opened new passion clubs with the kisses of the hot ladies, powerful emotions circulate in glasses of wine as we raise our roles in the game of life.

  • Beautiful nature fits into your views of marvellous love, we touch the imagination with dream fingers as the sun passes through your magic hair. We have discovered new ways of seduction on the shores of the past, we are changing future events with the avalanche of passionate kisses.

  • Looking at the mystical dimension of the mind through the mirror of destiny, you are the princess of a relationship with a gentle dragon view. A new time is looking for heroes who go through material gates to other dimensions of sincere love, I love you more than anything in the world.

  • Tomamos decisiones sabias sobre los ríos de información, dando vueltas alrededor de las innumerables ideas que nos llegan en sueños mágicos y asombrosos.
  • La naturaleza hermosa encaja en sus vistas del amor maravilloso, tocamos la imaginación con los dedos de sueño mientras el sol pasa a través de su cabello mágico.
  • Un nuevo tiempo está buscando héroes que atraviesen las puertas materiales hacia otras dimensiones del amor sincero, te amo más que a nada en el mundo.
  • Me encantó tu poema, como siempre...
    Cada día siento que te superas a ti mismo, cada poema nuevo, me gusta mas que el anterior.
    Nuestro pensamiento viaja en busca del conocimiento, y el amor hará posible que lleguemos al éxito. @dobartim
  • Wise decisions are made about the rivers of information, revolving around the countless ideas that come to us in magical and amazing dreams.
  • The beautiful nature fits in your wonderful love views, we touch the imagination with our dream fingers as the sun passes through your magical hair.
  • A new time is looking for heroes who are looking through the material doors into other dimensions of sincere love, I love you more than anything else in the world.
  • I loved your poem, as always...
    Every day I feel like you're better than yourself, every new poem, I like it more than the last one.
    Our thinking travels in search of knowledge, and love will make it possible for us to succeed @dobartim

    See you on the top

    Sure friend :)

    @dobartim "Beautiful nature fits in your wonderful love viewpoints" Magnificent, tender, loving the way you describe sincere and wonderful love with nature, because both are natural and wonderful beauties before the eyes of love and feelings of love

    @dobartim"La bella naturaleza encaja en tus puntos de vista de amor maravillos" Magnifico, tierno, amoroso la forma en que describes el amor sincero y maravilloso con la naturaleza, porque los dos son bellezas naturales y maravillosas ante los ojos de amor y sentimientos de amor

    Good morning , Carpe diem

    Nice idea, spam comment

    very nice sir.

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    A wonderful poem, my friend and love is a wonderful feeling! Thank you @dobartim

    I do not understand you, give comments to my posts and never give a upvote?

    the way of a poet thinking is matter ,while he describing his inner thought image to other. its a very beautiful art ,which is given by the nature not for everyone
    Nature gives something special for every one, but everyone is not for every special thing

    Awesome comment, Welcome to Steem Schools https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n

    Thanks for the appreciation , hope fully we will become a good friend

    outstanding mr dobartim

    beautifully written and well executed.
    Hard to find sincere love, its more of a material thing now. True and sincere love is looking beyond materials and perfections . Well said

    I am glad you like it

    Who doesn't like love

    i agree woth you @dobartim... n incredible pics 😍 n for the sign of love is nature.

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