
Thanks for the info! 👍 Alabama..i'm ignorant like a goat about it. All that comes in my mind is Forrest Gump and wide corn fields :-) One day I'd like to travel through the states and know the different cultures, people, the nature.. especially off the beaten path

Getting off the beaten path is exactly what I tried to do when I was still traveling. I saw as much as I could in Italy over 3-4 days, but it was hard for me to meet and get to know the people who lived out from the cities. When your time is short you tend to get stuck in tourist traps, and if you don't already know a local it is hard to meet them and gain any trust in a short period of time. In Australia, Canada, and some of the Islands that are U.S. territories it was a lot easier. There was no language barrier and most of the body language and some of the culture was familiar. In Italy I was ashamed because everyone spoke at least two languages, most spoke at least three. I was ashamed of my Country for not making it mandatory for students, especially college students, to be fluent in at least one foreign language. I knew enough Spanish that I had taught myself that I could communicate a little, but it was tough.

It is so easy for children to learn a new language, or at least learn how to make the necessary sounds in case they ever want to learn to speak another language. There are some sounds that we can no longer learn to make after we get older and we stop creating new synapses in our brains. Sometime I wonder if we have all been kept somewhat ignorant of these useful skills so that we are easier to control and manipulate. 🤔

If you will travel to Italy again and plan to visit Venice, please tell me. Me and my friends will gladly tour you around and make it more authentic than the standardized tours for sure. You're a very open minded person, I'm impressed I tought that americans usually consider themselves at the center of the universe. I should not have these prejudices too..shame on me hehe. I agree with you that keeping masses ignorant - even through academic curricula - is the best way to manipulate society. At this point I would really like your opinion about my last article on global inequality 👍

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