in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

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[Julianna Baker]

The First time I saw him I flipped

my heart literally skipped 2 beats

I knew at that moment he was the one

it was his dazzling eyes

there's something about it that whirls me in

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Bryce Loski

The First time I saw her

I saw a pretty little angel eyes

persistent and naughty she was

full of energy and life

but all I ever wanted was for her to leave me alone

[Bryce Loski]

It all started in the summer

We relocated into a new town

We were unpacking when she showed up offering her help

she was tough to get rid off

then the wierdest thing happened

in a split second

time froze for a bit

we were holding hands and staring deep into each other's eyes

I was shy and didn't know what to do

till my Mum found us

then finally I did the bravest thing I think a seven years old will do

hide behind my mum

[Julianna Baker]

His family had just moved into the neighborhood

I went over to help them

I was in the van trying to help them unpack

When his Dad sent him to go over to help his Mum

I could see he didn't want to go

So I chased after him

maybe we could play a little for a while

before he gets trapped inside helping his mum

out of the blue he was holding my hand

starring at me with those dazzling eyes

my heart stopped. I thought...could this be my first kiss then his mum showed up . It was so embarrassing

I felt he had feelings for me but to shy to show them

The Plot


              The Loski family moved into the neigbourhood that was when these 2 second-graders Bryce Loski and Julianna "Juli" Baker first met. Juli believed it was true love but Bryce was in denial so he always tried to avoid her. She thought he was being shy to express himself so she took it upon herself to give him plenty opportunity by constantly being around him at every chance she gets.

In Bryce attempt to avoid her, it became worse for him because they were both in the same school and in the same class. Good grief

In Sixth grade, Bryce dated Sherry Stalls someone who Juli despises a lot. He knew that already but he asked her out anyway in order to push Juli away from him.

Bryce's best friend, Garrett, takes an interest in Sherry and tells her the truth about Bryce asking her out; she doesn't take it well.

Now that Sherry is out of the way Juli thinks she can still have her chance with him.


Bryce's grandfather Chet Duncan moves in with the family. Chet has different views about Juli. There's a large, old sycamore tree that Juli loves which no one understands. One day, it's cut down by a group of landscapers so a house can be built there, despite Juli's opposition. She becomes very depressed afterwards, as the tree let her see the world in a more enlightened way. Her father gives her a painting of the tree.

In her words, She described how she felt on the tree.

i could sit there for hours

just looking at the world

some days the sunset will be purple and pink

some days they were a blazing orange

setting fire to the clouds on the horizon

it was during one of those sunsets that my father 's ideas

of the whole landscape being greater than the sum of its part

moved from head to my heart

here is where I take mental notes

Her View From The Tree

After a while the depression was gone. Her father who happens to be an artist painted the tree for he to remind of how she felt. He hanged it in her room which she sees every night before going to bed.

She became much more better and happier when her science project A chicken is born took the first price. Her chickens grew to lay so much eggs that she started selling to her neighbors. She decide to offer the Loski's some of her eggs in appreciation for their family in time past for being good to them.

Chet gets to know Juli while helping her work on her lawn. Bryce begins to develop feelings for Juli, who begins to have mixed feelings about him. When Juli finds out that Bryce has been throwing away the eggs she offered his family right under her nose, out of fear of salmonella, she feels hurt and starts avoiding him.
After visiting her disabled uncle Daniel, Juli overhears Bryce supporting Garrett's badmouthing of him, which causes her to stop having any interest in him. When the Bakers are invited to the Loskis' for dinner, Juli confronts Bryce about what he said. During dinner, they sit opposite each other; she doesn't talk to Bryce or make eye contact with him. After dinner, she apologizes for her behavior. Bryce is upset that she apologizes, because it means she doesn't care enough to hold a grudge

As the Annual basket boy auction approaches at the school for fund raising, Sherry and Melanie the 2 hottest girls in the school were already in a bidding war for Bryce. He learns that Juli had a wad of cash with her so he believed she was going to bid on him. He was worried that she will loose out in trying to bid on him with the other 2 girls in the contest.

Instead, she bid on Eddie Trulock out of sympathy because no one was bidding for him.

Sherry won the bid for Bryce at the auction.

During the basket boy lunch, Bryce with Sherry sat across tables from from Juli and Eddie. he got jealous as he sees she is having a good time with her date. he rose and went straight to her.


He grabs her and attempts to kiss her, publicly humiliating her. He chases her after she dodges his kiss. Juli gets on her bike and cycles home. Garrett yells at Bryce, and they end their friendship after an argument.

He went to her home to see her but she refused to see him. He spoke to her mum as well but there was no luck cause Juli was not ready to see him. She was hurt inside because that's not how she picture her first kiss to be like. She has always wanted to kiss him but not that way.
Bryce called her home, called her name out through her window in attempts to get her attention. All to no avail.


Bryce plants a little sycamore tree in Juli's yard to show his affection towards her. He already took permission from her father. When Juli saw him, she came outside to join him.

Bryce held her hand this time and stared into her eyes like the first time the met.

They both smiled.


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I flipped through it 😠I am afraid they'd be spoilers. Still want to watch the movie. :)

Just some few spoilers... didn't mention it all.

I have watched this movie over and over. Too bad it failed at box office.

Flipped 2010 is a nice movie to watch

Ok. That's cool.

This story took me home, this is similar to my first love story, how i wish i could turn back the hands of time

Looks like someone wishes to change something

NICE! now I wanna watch it:)

You should. You will love it

Amazing. I really need to check it out. Also skimmed through as @greenrun because of spoilers.

Haha...I hope you have found the movie to watch

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