
OMG, I love this, 3B! Got shivers down my legs. Please write more of these?! Edit: Didn't find it confusing, read each line through both perspectives, like a split-screen of voices.

Yes, I totally agree. Split-screen echo-speech. I don't know how someone cannot like this...

Maybe where we lack in visual thinking, we make up for in auditory? Sort of like the senses, where the lack of one accentuates the others. Must research this now.

Fill me in on what you find out :)

Thanks Anike. So glad you enjoyed it. I will write more!

Ah I am intrigued by the way this makes my eyes shift and how it plays with the flow of the poem. Nice

Thanks for reading. I'm going to write some more of these in the future I think.

Great job, as usual, Damian!!!

Thanks Tiny :)

Nice work. It was a challenge to read them both, but in my mind I was hearing the voices speak their parts together. I am glad that one of the voices likes horror movies, because I like them too, lol!

If you're curious, in this one, I'm the voice on the left :)

Thanks for reading.

I didn't connect the dots with the "I am a writer" line.

I think this would be really interesting as a voice recording- just to hear how they echo each other, or like a round robin type. What a fascinating idea!

Hmm, I wonder if I can convince hubby?

I had trouble reading them both at once for some reason. But I love the idea! It's awesome!

Thanks for reading :)

Great poem, had a hard time reading two things at the same time but i liked the experiment. As we all know experiments aren't all successful, but this shows some promise i think, maybe if the voices are spoken at the same time it will make it easier to follow? Funny but i just posted an experimental poem myself. Interested in what you think of it...

Thanks for reading. Off to look at yours.

This is really unique. I don't know how to read it; it feels different each time I drag my eyes across one way, then the other. Fun!

Thanks for reading :)

This was actually kind of fun to read! I agree that it would be cool to have a voice recording of this being read :)

Thanks, Rosepatch. I'll bring it up tonight, after dinner. ;)

Hey this is a breath of a fresh air man. :P One of the most talented poets in the group. Also a great character and guy... Thanks for joining us. Keep on inspiring us all. You have been included in the daily dose of course ... God Bless Peace and Love

You're very sweet. Thank you. Glad you enjoyed the poem.

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