Yes, we

in #poetry6 years ago

Yes, we

original poetry


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Wisps of memory
Achieving sentience

Self-sufficient, lingering
Brilliance of times past

Our love shall us outlast
For love we on Earth were cast
Our love, no more, for our repast

Flock to feed
The spectres & ne'er-do-wells
The dwelling lever-pushers in
A cosmic coal room the
Manual doldrums,
Earthcrawler's bends
Who–uncoastal–has never seen
The ocean of Eternity
In which they swim,

Unseen the latent hem
Stuffed fit to bulst
Pulsing innards of
A down throw–

Spacefeathers We,
Superliminal seams;
Intelligent habit-complexes,
Breathing, churning dreams:
We are the ghosts,
The wisps of memory.

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It's one of those nights where I can't readily fall asleep, so what better to do instead than pen some ponderous poetry. This poem explores the idea of memories becoming sentient, love in its grandest sense being the bedrock for our continued existence, the stupor of dense matter, and the hyper-pressurization of all the insane diversity of the universe, likening it to a cosmic comforter: fit to burst. Yet we are more than the stuffing, the seams, any of it. We are like unto those living dreams we call memory. We are memories ourselves, and our love will never be forgotten because we are self-similar with that very love. (The word "bulst" is a portamanteau of pulse/burst/bust. Just think of it as a different intonation of burst, softer in nature.)

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Written by

Images are
Free domain &
Edited by @d-pend.

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Lovely poem ☆☆☆☆☆

Our love shall us outlast
For love we on Earth were cast
Our love, no more, for our repast

  • This is great. Unconditional love is never forgotten even as we "bulst" in this pool of eternity. Rest well in your "cosmic comforter." I too must hit the hay. "Space feathers" yes we are "the wisps of memories."

  • Thank you for sharing the love. I see it like the seeds of the dandelion in the pictures. The seeds of love will softly blow away but not to be forgotten. The seeds take root and grow to an even bigger "bulst".

BTW... I love creating words that spell check cannot pick up like "funketry".

memory is the greatest gift to humanity from heaven, but at the same time it's the greatest punishment...

it can both give endless pleasure and joy giving a chance to have happy moments again and again, but it can just destroy ourselves if we remember pain and sufferings..

insomnia is useful for you)

Reading or singing poems was one of those boring activities in my primary and secondary school days. I disliked poetry so much then. My teacher made it seem very very difficult then. But venturing into steemit lately, one of the very first posts I read was "A STROLL IN THE SNOW". by, @d-pend. I was not grabbing any meaning from initially, but the way it ended caught my attention. You wrote;
"In the dirt and the snow
And the indigo sky: I see hope
and new life, and arise to comply"
These words went straight to my heart and pierced it. I totally fell in love with poetry.
Then I wrote my very first poem THE HOT PORRIDGE ON FIRE (check my blog @nwizu) where I lamented on the greed, injustice and corruption that has destroyed my country. I just want to let you know that you made me fall in love with poetry and I'll like to have some level of mentoring from you.

We are our memories and they are beautiful, the bad ones? In my subconscious but not in my frontal mind , this one made me think alot am exercise that my deteriorating mind needs, thanks to you I'm using my brain because your poems are so many emotional things to me Thank you!❤️

I really like your style @d-pend, in my opinion you are really good at making poems, you have that ability of creating clear visual images in the mind of the one reading.
I also like to write some poems but i feel like i steel have to learn a lot.

Don't sleep you can create a poem so make me inspired,
What if you sleep, and creating poems in the fresh State of mind ....

@d-pend i cannot believe how inspirational your words sre! You have a tallent that needs to be noticed! Never give up and stay awesome!

I love poetry, when I was younger poetry helped my speech a lot! love this work

I appreciate your comment @steemkidd! Poetry can help us glean novel insights into the nature of life and reality. It is something of an abstract journaling technique, from my perspective. Thanks for checking out my blog :-)

No problem! I believe I gave you a follow so can't wait to see more!

"It is something of an abstract journaling technique"

Truth. This is very much the way I think of writing lyrics (basically just poetry) or making music. Love it and love your poetry/music.

Nice, glad I'm not the only one. It seems to be a healthy way to view these outlets, instead of attempting to create "masterpieces." When we simply create to express and connect the dots for ourselves, the refinement comes as a natural consequence. But this way, hopefully with less pretense. I'm very grateful you took the time to read/listen to my stuff @jamesgetsit. Means a lot.

P.S. nice stuff you drop on @dsound. Followed. Keep it up! It's a musical revolution that's bubbling up these days. Exciting stuff.

Thanks a lot man.

Yes, I've never been one to want to create a "masterpiece". The music I make is for me, myself, and I. The fact that other people enjoy it is amazing, but like you said, a natural consequence.

It's a forgone conclusion that if I like something, other people will like it too. It's all about staying true to who you are. People respond much more to authenticity than anything else.

Thanks so much again man, and keep on keeping on. BTW, would love another jam like "Nothing to prove", literally listened to that at least a dozen times. So sick.

@d-pend, Its better inspiration poem with creative design indeed. Your poem techniques giving most motivation to others seriously. I loved always your poetry technique. I know any newcomers will follow you visit your post by them. Marvelous creativity.

Oh, thanks a lot @madushanka. I think for the design to be pleasing is quite important. That way it will amplify any meaning of the words themselves. Glad you enjoy it and appreciate the words of encouragement!

This one seems to gyrate the mind, the rhymes are just so clinical I wonder at the tempo too, you don't use too much rhymes, but this one has a lot of rhymes lately

Wooooooooooooooooo this is brilliant @d-pend I love it so much

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