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RE: What's around the bend

in #poetry6 years ago

Hi everybody~~~!

I'm in the midst of a big move so I haven't been able to get to all your great comments. It's killing me that I can't be that active and I'm afraid it will get worse because I'm going to be driving cross country for 3 days. I bet I'll find some way to post and vote anyhow, but just wanted to update everyone here via a comment.

For those who received SP delegations from me: I trust you to use them the way you feel is best. Consider it a gift in good faith :-) In the future I might give out quite a few more especially if RC limitations are still an issue for people.

Much Love,



Have fun man and drive safe! Thanks for helping around!

Dear sir ! It is your love and affection for us ,Those who care so much of us wishes for your cross country journey.
I hope you will join us soon.regards

I know the feeling... wanting to do more online but the road ahead awaits... a whole new adventure.

Drive safe buddy. I'm also moving to California in a couple weeks or so! Nice poem.

Thanks, @d-pend. A real monument to generosity. We have a example to follow in you. We highly appreciate your intelectual contributions to this platform and your human qualities. Wish you a safe trip and I'm sure you'll a way to ubiquity. :)

Hey my friend, just enjoy your trip, take lots of photos and post later! We all have to take a break now and then and get our personal lives together. That is what I am doing now. In sunny California for 10 days, then back to Island life. Just taking a bit of chill time to do some curating and show some love to my supporters like yourself. Then back to real life lol.

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