I'm sorry about this... [Day 24]

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

I'm sorry about this...

original poetry & digital art


I am written into this web
of acceleration or suspension
by something not called myself
but it is myself, so
I write myself into this web,
I should have said.
My apologies for the coercion,
because I'm sure that you thought
"Maybe this poem will be
a good use of my time, or interesting,
or perhaps teach me something"
but instead, I got you involved in
my confoundment, of questionable value
to anyone including myself.
But perhaps we can take this opportunity
to think on what value is, anyway,
how the meaning of a thing is nothing
other than the thing itself, and how
dualistic thought and languaging are
incapable of encapsulating reality, really.
At times both actively and passively we end up
being written or writing ourselves into these webs
within time yet outside it, in space but spaceless,
finding ourselves in the position of mediators
between the grand diversity external and internal,
faced with the trickery of false dichotomy &
armed with the choice to transcend the fallacious.
Now lest I be accused of being overly loquacious
I will end our experiment in contradiction &
apparent uncertainty, but perhaps to your chagrin,
here at the end I will retract my apology,
because it's not my fault you've read my poetry!


double-seven 3.jpg

Writing & images
by @d-pend

5-double 3.jpg



Interesting warp that poses dichotomous thoughts, saying without saying. The poetic voice starts from an apparent confusion, which is not such, because it is clear in what it wants to express. Poetry is the art of saying saying and masking what has been said, without appearing offensive. Put your finger in the wound and take it out without blood, because it is not the intention to take it out, but to bounce the ball out of a dislike or a complaint. As always, you are the magician of poetry, @ d-pend. A warm greeting.

Forgiveness is a beautiful thing @d-pend. It's not your fault I read your poetry but my pleasure. One of the few things I still enjoy about Steemit. What I read directly influences my writing. Why does Michael Jackson's song go through my head, "You're looking at the man in the mirror?"

It is your fault because you wrote the poem, let's assume you didn't write i'm sure i wouldn't get to read a lovely write up like this.... Heheheheh well written @d-pend

Ahhhh... checkmate @segunreus! You're right! xD

Ahhhhh perfect!

Thanks bud :-) @samvan

The power of language as we land by chance or intention into your delicious combinations of word images. Well done & it leaves me with no regrets. :)

Ohh, @d-pend
This is my best so far, felt like it was directed at me😀

Oh, really? That's great to know! Thank you @nmalove :-)

You were just twisting me in your web, made my head spin with your words, I didn't know you were this good.

I appreciate the kind words and glad you enjoyed this somewhat meta write @adebayopaul!

Haha ... never listen to the critics only the muses. Great poetic retort:)


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