
in #poetry6 years ago (edited)


original poetry
& images


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collapsed allegories,
lifetime-strands of taffy
yearn across accelerating voids:

While they fall,
impossible soul-colours—
in deathless implosion.

by the cursèd symmetry,
all fate-sick solubility—
O whirlpool-mongering world!

Leak the ichor
of your profane hues
at the matriarch's feet:
become a basin of destiny.

To guide the tremorsome arrow,
receive a stolid drone.

frigate of defiance
on the sea of magnesium,
buckle empires.

Through all
these vectorless vectors,
A world is built—
of spontaneously arching textures.

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| Written by |
| @d-pend |
| Images by |
| @d-pend |



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Hi, @d-pend. I've been thinking about you these days; I've written some poems but have not dared to post them (none is complete yet). But I did post one which reminded me of the happy days of the challenge (I know it was a lot of work for you and your team, and for us too, but we got the fun part of that work). And I wanted to thank you because now that I got some good comments and votes, and resteems, I have realized I owe you part of this little piece of happiness... Hadn’t I written and share a poem a day during the challenge, I don’t know if I’d be confident enough to dare now and share my poetry, so THANK YOU.

Now, about this piece, funny thing you have used here the word "stolid," which has always seemed a portmanteau to me, from stoic and solid XD I know it sounds silly, but I love that word and my silly hypothesis :D
This poem is the birth of the world:

Leak the ichor
of your profane hues
at the matriarch's feet:
become a basin of destiny.
It makes me think of a woman delivering her baby. Do I like the image? Of course I do; I love the mythical sense of human reasoning--and the way you are always willing to show it but never to take it for granted.

But in general, it makes me think, on the one hand, of the seas and skies of Edvard Munch, all colors mingling to symbolize the expressions of the soul; and on the other, of the skies of Van Gogh’s Starry Night, where colored serpentines stretched and curled to create (stars in that case).

Although I think you are consistent in your style, and you definitely have a distinctive poetical voice, I think this poem has some of the @d-pend’s verb I grasped six or seven months ago: the words build an image progressively, until it the painting reveals itself complete.

Loved it. Thanks for sharing.

You are doing it again with those coded sanskrit titles @d-pend,

And what in the world is that picture? Are you like playing with your new cell phone in the bathroom? If so then I don't think that's a good idea. You are gonna get it all messed up. I never let my kids play with the cell phone in the bath room. It's all steamy and stuff. You're just gonna mess up the electron whatever that's in the liquid crystal whatever.

And what does this picture have anything to do with "lifetime-strands of taffy"? That is twisted.

You start talking about verctorless vectors and colorless colors. Just go right out and say it: "Texas has no falling leaves."

You talk about cursed symmetry and laying this all before the feet of a matriarch to do her bidding. I got the feelin' you're not talking about your mom, cause the arrow is shot through some kind of magnesium but I think your mom's heart must be made of gold.

Loved the poem,

Just sharing my first impressions,

All in fun,

Get some sleep

Ha, ha, ha... You made me laugh very loudly, dear @mineopoly. What a good humorist you have become, that even in the delicacy of a poem that speaks of the soul of the world, you bring out comedy to relax the creative master.

The universe contained in a drop of steam awakens visions that the soul had forgotten. Like an electrocardiogram, the inner being registers rhythmic sounds detached from the rolling of a drop of sweat from the air through the mirror of life.

While they fall,
impossible soul-colours—
in deathless implosion.

But, the life reflected by millions of drops together, is clouded, humiliated in some aspects, surprised by the turns of fate that pretends to contain it, but fails, because it is free like the love that flows in the infinite. and that spontaneously melts in what it decides, challenging nature by creating new forms and textures.

Through all
these vectorless vectors,
A world is built—
of spontaneously arching textures.

The images that accompany the poem constitute a surrealist success that impregnates everything with mystery and gives strength to the words. Well done, @dpend! Excellent coupling.

Ah! I found you on Steemit too! The poem led me here. I really enjoy gliding off your words.

Haha, follow the trail of the poem! Nice to connect with you here :-D

When I started here I think that this place is belongs to only blog like stories, motivational and blah blah things. I always want to see someone with poems but until now I only found you sir @d-pend and I love to reads your poems. I am also thinking to share some poem in coming time.

Through all
these vectorless vectors,
A world is built—
of spontaneously arching textures.

This is definitely beautiful really I love the spark it gave my imaginations, its like a feeling of something being reborn really out of nothing, nice rhyme too

Dear @d-pend sir!
Beautiful composing. this poem is great example of your devotion for poetry. Such a new birth of poetry.Your words comes from depth of heart. Reordering the word is skillful.

I think your own art with your poems makes a more powerful statement. Lets us deeper into your mind :)

Thank you for being here for me, so I can be here for you.
Enjoy your day and stay creative!
Botty loves you. <3

Your all poetry is good bro.

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