Meet me Beyonnd the Apple Tree

in #poetry7 years ago


Meet me, See Me, Feel Me...
Beyond the Apple Tree
Past the apprehension
past the hesitation
through the light and the dark...
past the fear of the unknown
Meet me, Greet me...
Beyond the Apple tree
Breathe in Being
Celebrate all that we know
Feel all that we feel
Embrace all that is Love...
all that is ALL
Beyond the Apple Tree
Journey through the fields of joy, empathy, and compassion
Travel through the meadows of sorrow, pain, grief, and despair
Fly through blue skies, gray skies, dark skies filled with stars
Meet me Beyond the Apple Tree
Come now, Come tomorrow, Come soon
Come alone, Come together, Come in numbers too large to count
Walk slowly, Skip gleefully, or Run with the speed of a Cheetah
Just come...please come
Meet Me Beyond the Apple Tree
I will be there
I will be beyond the Apple Tree
I will be the old Woman with the gray hair
I will be the tall one, the short one, the thin one, the plump one, the curvy one, the wrinkly one
I will be the one who wears RED...
Wears black...
Wears every color of the rainbow
Meet me beyond the Apple Tree
I will be there
I have always been there
I will always be there...
beyond the apple tree
I will see, I will be...
forever FREE
Beyond the Apple Tree

Love, Cheryl seedling.jpg


That was really good. It made me feel. Thank you.

Thank you, that really means a lot :)

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