Honoring the Old Woman Ways
I was feeling rather obsolete yesterday...
Me and my 'old ways' with my pens and paper as opposed to computers.
My personal touchy, feely, huggy energy that takes me so much effort to convey through a machine (computer).
The Winter Solstice ushers in embracing the change of season to Winter.
I decided to allowed it to wash over me, through me.
I decided to embrace that I could embrace a bit more of the "tech" world that I have avoided, or perhaps feared or even worse, gulp...convinced myself that I am too old to learn!!!
"NONSENSE", my rebel called out, "You are never too old to learn ANYTHING!!"
Thank you, wise rebel...how right you are.
That being said, I will continue to embrace with all of my heart and soul...
The Old ways,
The Crone ways,
The Empath ways,
The Heart Centered ways,
The Intuitive ways,
The Midwife ways that make ME who I am.
These things may still be useful...as a mater of fact, I believe that they may yet prove to be essential to earth and humanity bringing the masculine and feminine into balance.
Here is a big giant shout out to ALL who continue to stay true to and acknowledge the Awakening Feminine within all...
I Love you and me
WE are not obsolete by any means.
Love, Cheryl