Ramble Scramble of the day

in #poetry7 years ago

Where are the skys of tangerine
Where have the diamonds gone
Have we lost our minds to sobriety
What is right when no one is wrong

Do we fill our glasses with tragedy
Did we eat the mold to the crust
Do we sin because we're sinners
Is it sick, or is it lust

Do questions lead to answers, or chickens
Is poety wrong if timing is off
Do blind people preceive longer lives
You don't get higher from a cough
Do short people find height sexy

If memory is left in our brains, did we ever exist
Time has become the crime
.. but given the choice..
Happiness is a cupcake away

It better be fucking chocolate!


I upvoted you and a few others thanks to @shadowspub and her disssssssscord :)

woah my S key got stuck there (Happens sa lot just look through my history) , lol loooks like I was trying to say something about how I got dissedor something LOL no but ill leave it to create controversy lol

My god, if the S's keep reproducing at this rate, humanity as we know it may be overthrown.

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