Beautiful small bird - My entry into @vdux's Haiku Contest

in #poetry7 years ago


Beautiful small bird
Alone by the stone stairway
I pray that you lived

Written for the fledgling bird that greeted me on the stone stairway in Limpertsbierg, Luxembourg City, enroute to my German class, for three days straight. On the fourth day s/he was gone.

The bird seemed too young to fly on its own, though I don't recall any nearby trees from which it was likely to have fallen from a nest. It seemed quite plump, and unflustered, so my assumption at the time was that the parents were still feeding it, even though I did not see them do so.

I always hoped that it flew off under its own power, and didn't fall prey to a cat, or a similar fate. You still live on in my heart little one.

Thanks, @vdux, for hosting the contest; and thanks, @lymmerik, for resteeming so that I saw it, and can enter!

So, my second haiku posted about Luxembourg today, and my third poem about Luxembourg in two days. I'm on a roll. Have I mentioned that I loved it there?

I guess I should create a post about Trier, aka Treves, next.

All words and images are my own.

Resteeming is welcome, you may link to my post from your own website or blog, and you may use excerpts and/or images as long as you credit me and link back to this post.

Please ask for permission before using my work without linking to this post, as all rights are reserved.


Thank you for sharing and for entering my contest! Very nice story and picture. I'm sure he found his wings and lived a very happy life.

I'll comment on your haiku here .

I appreciate you adding a nice story. I haven't been to Luxembourg, but it's on my "to do" list (sigh, one day...)

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