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RE: Lost Day

in #poetry8 years ago

I think you should have as many "goes" at it as you are willing to try.

BTW, I learned of you today; have been browsing and reading your good posts.

While I have somewhat mixed feelings about some things you have to say, I have no doubt that I can learn from you. I notice you've added me to your "following" list, and I appreciate it; thanks for "following" me, and Welcome to my blog.

I look forward to interacting with you in the "Reply/Comment" sections of any articles you find interesting! :) FYI, I maintain a link to the most current Table of Contents in the top-middle of my banner... ;)


I completely get how you would have mixed feelings. I grew up in a Christian home and there was a time when it would have wounded me to read the things I write now. My parents are very devout, my mom will talk to everyone she meets about the love of Jesus. They are wonderful people whom I love with all of my heart, so the reasons I walked away are not like most people's stories of strict religious tyrants who turned them off somehow. I will say the church did play a part in my shift, there were just too many inconsistencies, too much judgment and hypocrisy, and it forced me to take a long look at things. When it became clear that the underlying source for my beliefs was fear of what would happen if I didn't believe, I chose to remove myself entirely for a time. No more christian music, devotionals, and especially pastors/preachers/speakers telling me what the words in the Bible meant. It took a long time to be able to pick up a Bible without hearing the doctrines of my past. But when I finally did, I had new eyes to see, and what I see is vastly different than what I was taught. It truly comes down to fear for me. I refuse to live in it. I believe that fear, not hate, is the opposite of love. I used to reiterate to others (called it witnessing at the time) that to accept Jesus into your heart was to remove the shackles. But I found the opposite to be true, the chains fell off when I turned my back on the notion of one lifetime determining an eternity in hell. I still believe in Christ's messages, and it sadly seems I follow it far more closely than many who claim themselves as his disciples. My heart didn't harden as I'd been so often told it would (and I won't lie, there were a few heavy moments of fear, that I was wrong and doomed) on the contrary it flew wide open. I have so much love I can't contain it all. I judge no one and forgive every one. I don't deny the words of the Bible, only the doctrines that have sprung from it, and many of the translations that were fed to me. There's a great site called It is a thorough site that gives the translations for individual words, breaks it down verse by verse, tells you the Greek and Hebrew meanings for things. It was through this site that I learned there are two creation stories in Genesis. Chapter one, God-Elohim-created the Heavens and the Earth. In chapter two Lord God-Yehovah enters the scene. Church tells you they are one and the same, but my new eyes tell me different. I won't continue, I truly don't want to bring you conflict or discomfort. I appreciate your taking the time to read my posts, but will understand if at any point you choose not to. Much love to you, glad to be on this fantastic journey with so many wonderful people!

Wow! Where do I begin? :) I know, how about THANK YOU for such a sweet, comprehensive response to my somewhat obscure comment! :) :) :) Hearing from you like this is precisely the kind of dialog and interaction that I've hoped for here on Steemit. I'm so very glad to meet you, and to "hear" your loving heart. :) Now to try and reciprocate a little bit:

I have also struggled with "the church" and with "authority" all of my life. I also grew up in a Christian home (though somewhat dysfunctional) and a Baptist church. Probably the most valuable thing I received in that context is an unwavering respect for scripture, and (as you already know for yourself) that has inevitably put me at odds with "conventional wisdom."

And, so, at least with one significant issue or concept, you and I are "in violent agreement," and that concept is that the Lord God is not an unjust, sadistic torturer who consigns souls to endless pain. When it comes to details, we may have differences; but (if you are interested) I've already had a rather lengthy dialog with @stan about the matter that I invite you to read in the comments under this article:

You're NOT Going To Like This Short Post...

I do hope to write some "actual articles" about the topic of hell at some point. My favorite mental occupation, however, is the New Heavens and New Earth. ;) (You can check my Table of Contents for that topic!)

In any case, I don't want to run much longer here... but Thank You again for your sweet and lengthy reply! I'm loving your Fiction series (again, with a few mixed feelings, but overall very much) and I look forward to more installments.

I admit I didn't read all the way through, but enough to say that as I've often found, much of the disagreement between you and Stan lies in the definitions for things. You have both given this a great deal of thought and attention and I appreciate that very much. Here is the thing: The Bible is a book of law. I know there will probably be some disagreement as many pastors state that only the old testament was law, but along the way I've come to learn that it is all law. And the definition for hell in law is defined as: The name formerly given to a place under the exchequer chamber, where the king’s debtors were confined. In other words, a debtors prison. But not in some supernatural afterlife, right here on earth. I am glad to talk with you anytime, I probably won't however, join in a theological debate between you and others such as Stan. Once upon a time I would have, but it often went in circles and I guess you could say I got burnt out. There are just too many things I've learned that are in direct opposition to most-not all of course- but most christian's points of view. The story of Jesus and Barabbas as one example. Ironically what took me, and my husband, some time of study into the origins of names is now available on wikipedia. Great talking with you my friend!

I'm really not into debating either, more about polite discussions and answering questions. I'm sure as I read more of your writing I'll have questions for you. :)

Of course, "hell" is an English word. The original Hebrew and Greek speak of "sheol" (the grave) and of gehenna (the trash dump outside of Jerusalem). What I've learned from actually opening my eyes to scripture is that "hell" is the punishment and extinction of those who refuse redemption. In other words, the medieval notion of eternal conscious flaming torment is not scriptural at all.

Great talking with you as well! Catch you later! ;)

You too! I love passionate people, even when we're passionate about different things ;) Life breeds Life!

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