Dream-scape lucid poetry: Volume 2; The beauty in your pain.

in #poetry8 years ago

Translucent teardrops of immaculate nature.

Beauty enclosed within a pain that never seems to die.

Rusty red eyes and threadbare skin.

Your hands hug your knees and your eyes beg for salvation.

You are immersed so deeply that you can't get out.

Punished by a clandestine revenge inside you.

You have forgotten what it is to be forever enclosed within a capsule of love.

You have chosen to scar yourself, so that you will more intensely remember, who you truly are.

You have made yourself as low as the dirt so that when you step into your queendom, your radiance will become 1000 times more far reaching.

Yet for now you are trapped in this pain.

You can wallow in it for eternity, I tell you; whispering in your ear softly so that the message may be diaphanous.

Follow me, I tell you, as you take my hand; Follow me, into a moment so expansive, that it consists of everything - yet is enclosed within this very moment.

I tell you what is already known.

That thine tears are liquid drops of love; a measure of thou beauty.

A beauty that is also mine own; yet owned not lest its significance dissipate.

Your smile reflects the shining of your inner sun.

You step into this moment, with all your power.

And together, we evaporate into higher frequency.


Follow @colouredcontent


Great poem, the message is so potent.

Thank you.....I think I need to unleash my full talent in all aspects of life.....living too small - not taking enough chances.

What about you @linzo ?

Ive also been thinking about this concept of dream-scape poetry for some time - but I'm still not quite sure how to approach it.

Its supposed to be an original style of poetry where words are just unleashed in a way that paints pictures in an irredesent and lucid way - kind of like how a dream just flows .

The idea was inspired by poems from wingmakers.com.

Any thoughts on how to approach that?

I live my NOWs the best way I know how. That is my mantra, what about you?

Exactly. I need a clock that has no numbers - one that just says now. Im working on breaking the bonds that bind me in servitude.....like time, finance, space etc.

If we can create that inside us first, whatever constructs reside outside; are just that.

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