my poetry
Ada langkah terhenti kala jemari tangan tak bisa mendekap erat Ada cinta masa lalu yg perlahan pergi tinggalkan kenangan Sedih bukan hal yg harus di ungkapkan pada sosok yg pergi tinggalkan tonggak murung menerka jawaban tak bertuan Ribuan guratan wajah tunjukan arti ketulusan di anggap sebuah permainan cinta tak bertuan Adakah luka dalam yg dapat di balut perban?? Adakah bunga yg jatuh kembali ke tampuknnya??? Semu jawaban tiada tertelan!!! Uraian kata mulai tak bermakna Ribuan rasa menjadi asa Semua tertiup jauh pergi tak bersisa
(Language english)
There is a stalled step when the fingers can not hold tightly There is a love of the past who slowly go leave the memories Sad is not something that must be expressed on the figure who left the milky milestone guess the answer no man's Thousands of facial strokes show the sense of sincerity in consider a game of love no man Is there a deep wound that can be wrapped in bandages ?? Is there a falling flower back to its tampuknnya ??? All answers are not swallowed !!! The word start began to be meaningless Thousands of flavors became desolate All blown away did not leave
good contribution and good content and the way that literature applies