
I love the message you're communicating about the importance of being yourself and embracing all your peculiarities and differences :)

Again my brain has good stuff to sing and rhyme.

So poetic!!!!
Love your rhyme and the song you sing
while sharing all your rough times and blessings!
Blessed be

Thanks! Just figured out how to use my Virgo powers of criticism and flaw finding for good!

Deep End Outsider
From a very young age, I never fit in,
When I realized how weird, maybe alien I am.
Jumped in the deep end, thought I could swim,
Thrashed and struggled, then I went within.
Wasn't the first place, I searched in this journey,
Searching every mind space learning, still yearning.
Unaware that the journey would torque this hard,
Awakening in flow, is the closest lifeguard
Dharma's your duty, life purpose or mission,
This us where creation gives us permission.
When I learned about dharma, my answer provider,
Warrior, merchant, teacher or labor, my life duty is deep end outsider

P.S.Just checked out @bryandivisions 'Illuminate' openmic 43
He's got the higher message rap "As above, so below, spreading love everywhere that we go" and earlier post today; right in yo cave: Calling all my fellow hiphop artists on Steemit! Share your music here so we can get to know and support each other!

Lol I got lots of love for the wizard of the woods and my fellow word wizards. We may have a new wizard archetype as well. She uses "ball point pens" to create magic visualizations! I shared it earlier if you want to see lol.

Thanks for the tip mighty word wizard.
She definitely gets my approval of Enchantress in our word wizard wonderland.

Stiring the potion then scrying the dregs
for the message that it begs.
Bestow this glowing title with a flair.
after you Brother, then I'll be there.
Or shall we sit a 'spell' lol

done and done.

Yea! More food for the imagination. Yum. lol

Word. Dope rhyme! I especially liked this part.

One thing I found when I reached the bottom of the sea,
Is I can't be any more like any of you or any less like me.

Thanks dude!

Diving deep and knowing are the way my man! 🙌

Thanks for good rhyme
Wish you a great sunday

An ode to the so called "outsider".
People forget that we spend a lot of our time looking in.
Until, of course, they're on the outs and seeking a new perspective.
It's good to accept who we are and have the compassion to try to understand others. Too much hate comes from simple misunderstanding.

Very true, love and respect can't be bought and most won't give them freely. Lead by example I suppose.

Being the best we can be and remaining authentic always get's us on the inside track...with ourselves.

I love the transparency as it helps me relate with the sincerity of your poetry! Great work, as always! @clayboyn

Preach it my friend :)

You dream it and I'll preach it. 50/50 :P

Sounds good! Oh--did you ever read my playground series? I'm sure we talked about it. Well I am recycling them back through since I'm writing new ones and the first time around was so long ago. Just the put the second episode up today, a link to the first is in it :)

I decided to free up a chunk of my steemit time today and should have a smaller workload for a bit, good time to start a new series!

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