Forgive me
I can not be what you ask
Forgive me
because I make you disappointed
Forgive me
if you ever hurt me
Forgive me
if possible I am not a perfect person
Forgive me
I know I often demand as much as I want
and never mind your feelings
and forgive me
if in the end I just leave a sore memories
I try to defend you
trying to improve me
for the sake of you whom I believe to be with me forever
but my guess was wrong
at least I've tried for you
although you never see it
at least I've been fighting for you
in all things that want to divide us
but ....
when I tried to defend it
You want the opposite
if you know all my complaints
to fight for you
who never wanted to fight with me
and now I know
that loving you is a lesson in my life
love that can not be fought for
with just one person
who loves you
but from both
to create an eternal love
and bonding
which is not just love
but sacrifice
in our lives together
the end
bringing love is anchored to the word forever ....