Hear That Voice Before It's Too Late
There is a voice inside you, inner you
Which knows what's going, something weird is going on
It's not physical, it's metaphysical
It spreads, mentally spreads.
Listening is blank, totally blank
Thinking stopped, long ago, thinking stopped
New wave of thoughts, restless thoughts
These thoughts are making tired, presence is tired.
What is there to achieve? Running to achieve
It's a long path, painful path
Always a pressure point, pressuring point
It's a common reality, in all existing reality.
Same script for tomorrow, every tomorrow
Continuing this education, meaningless education
Growth is destroying, not seeing?
Everyone knows, it's wrong, everyone knows.
This economy is run by fear, constant fear
Trap is fear, in everything exists fear
No outside world outside, there is no side
Already late, hear that voice before it's too late.