Musings of The Dark

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)


The hollowness nudges you awake
You feel it before you open your eyes
The chilliness in the bones
Springing forth again and again
Crawling around in your stomach

Void, echo, emptiness
Sitting alone in quietude
You long for a sound or movement
A soothing melody to beat back a cold hand
Reaching slowly to push you under

Sadness, worry, fear
You think of death and its meaning
Of love, people and laughter
Of oceans, stones and ropes
What if you stop feeling?

Have you known pain so deep you're scared of losing it? You feel it's claws pushing you under, suffocating you, yet you can't let go. The light is right in front of you, beckoning but you hold on tight. Because pain has become a part of you. It has burrowed deep you do not know how to feel any other thing. So you clutch it with everything you've got.

Thanks for stopping by!
What are your thoughts?


I can stay here all day and stare at this piece. Be soaked in on it over and over again. Yeah.

Hahaha. Don't stare too hard. Try not to get soaked too. You don't want to go home like that.

Wonderful piece.

I Haven't felt like this ever. But at time I do feel a void deep within, a sinking feeling and I do think about The silence and sound of this world in darkness and night of my life.

Pain demands to be felt

It sure demands to be felt.

Your poem is like a delicacy that I could never stop eating.
how much depth is in each of the words.

I am glad you write this, when we write something is released and healing can occur,

Thanks, maverick.

Wow. This is some BDSM type stuff you know?

This is about pain, death and depression. Has nothing to do with erotic practises.

Right, I thought wrong then

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