All the world shall remember us for ages.

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)


मुहब्बत के कॉलेज में हम भी दाखिला कराएँगे
ऐसी बेइंतिहा मुहब्बत करेंगें आपसे
कि लोग हमारी दास्ताँ को याद रखेंगे
भूल जायेंगे लैला मजनू को
मगर हमें न भुला पाएंगे।

जब-जब मै सांसे लेता हूँ
बस तेरी याद आती है
हर जगह तू-ही-तू दिखाई देती है
दुःख का कोई अहसास नहीं होता
जब तू मेरे पास होती है
बहुत दर्द होता हे जब तू मेरे से दूर चली जाती है।
अब तो यह अरमान हे मेरा
हमेशा तुम्हे अपने पास रखेंगे
चाहे कुछ भी हो जाये
आपको हमसे जुदा होने न देंगे
ऐसी बेइंतिहा मुहब्बत करेंगे आपसे
कि लोग हमारी दास्ताँ को याद रखेंगे।

जब मै सो जाता हूँ
सपनो में तू आती है
सपनों में आकर थोड़ी गुदगुदी कर जाती है
जब मै तुम्हें छूना चाहता हूं
साली नींद ही खुल जाती है
अपने सपनो को हकीकत में जरूर बदलेंगे
सोचा है जो हमने वो कर दिखायेंगे
ऐसी बेइंतिहा मुहब्बत करेंगे आपसे
की लोग बरसों तक हमें याद रखेंगे
की लोग बरसों तक हमें याद रखेंगे।।।

Into the College of Love, my admission too I shall net
Infinitely I shall love you such
That, our love story, people will remember, recollect
Cease to recall Laila Majnu's amour they may
But us, they won't be able to ever forget.

Whenever I take a breath
My darling, I remember just you
Everywhere I see, I see nothing but you
There's no feeling of sadness
When you are with me
It hurts a lot when you go far away from me.
It is my desire now
To keep you close to me forever
Come what may and happen whatever
Let us be separated I shall never
Infinitely I shall love you such
That, our love story, people will remember, recollect.

When I drift away into sleep
In my dreams a trip you make
In the dreams you tickle me a bit
Then I try to touch you but
From the slumber I awake!
Dreams to reality, we'll make those bridges
I'll do and show what I've planned for us
Infinitely I shall love you such, that
All the world shall remember us for ages
All the world shall remember us for ages.

This post was translated from Hindi to English by @sharanaithal of the Lost In Translation community – @lit.
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Some quotes could be found below.

"Don't miss any chance."

"Everything is not yours whatever you've use it."

"Do something but unique."

"What is ours after death everything is others."

" nothing is special we have to make special."

"Whole life we've to learn because everyday we see new."

"What is love? I think anyone care you it's call love."

"Your success is waiting for you, try & get."

"Different people different need but one is same, that is love."

"Don't try to get only jobs, also try to get your dreams."

"Broken friendship could be repair but always it will show."

"I am losing everything, first my age."

"Face beautiful is not beautiful, actually character should be beautiful."

"Dream never comes true, if dreamer sleep."

Thank you so much for reading my post

A original work by @charliechain 

Same post could be found here.

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