
Nice mug dude!

Noooo way! I thought I for sure may be the only one to rock a Snowman mug. Classic mug shot.fuckin eh!

No way - YOU'RE Canadian too?!?
Next you'll be saying you were also born and raised in the T-dot like me.... (North York)

Nope. Huron county raised. Though I did spend my twenties in Toronto, Junction, Annex and East York. Then decided instead of a condo I'd like a big ass slab of green to mow(pictured...mowed)so moved to Kdubs. This whole time I just assumed you were from Halifax.

Happy to connect with more Canucks on here 🤜🤛

My snow man has a chip on his shoulder XP

Cheers to your 1600
As a follower I get to make a request
For your 1600
It should involve a dance video of some kind
We have seen you write
We have heard you sing
BUT can he dance?

The masses are all wondering.

Cheers and much LUV,

I dance like a drunk aunt at a wedding, in fact usually I'm dancing with drunk aunts at weddings. Luckily I have no film of said occurrences, nor plans to make any. My dance style is skank mosh meets swing 😬 Sweet frosty btw😄 Love your mug.

Just watching this I was having a green tea


Was on a green tea kick for the longest time, then the dentist told me it stains teeth worse than coffee. Nice Mug😄

Oh I think I'll have problems then with my teeth, it's that I can not help taking it, it helps my stomach a lot

Hahaha thanks

Nice cup @bleedpoet and super photos!

Holy shit. I swear to Allah I have that exact same coffee mug. I'd take a pic but it's buried in my garage somewhere.

Pics or it didn't happen. Need to see a photo of your hand on the Quoran😂

Beautifully ink, sweetly written piece lol, it's been a while, looks like someone order a shave lol you look great too.

I do all my own shaving, of my own choosing. Loving this inky freedom to scrawl away. Thanks

I remember when you where still figuring out if the world was sideways and we got a whole set of sideways shaving Eli s, as you couldn't figure it out on your phone or something weird XD You goof.

So are you off Steemit for good or what? 7 days. Are you crazy? I think after 7 days you legit just die from Steemit withdrawal. The phone temptation must be so great by now. But seriously where yah been man? People want all those warm and fuzzy baby and dad shots. OMG since you won't dance for your 1600 you gotta do sexy shave and baby shoulder shot. This drinks for the yummy mommies in the crowd - you know who you are lol. But yeah you gotta do it now.


Dance monkey!

wonderfull poetry again sharing in your blog..obviously its very talented poetry andgood hand drinking cofee tp mag..just excellent photo you capture today..i hope that,you giving daily post in your blog and support my work.because you are a best friend my real life.take care yourself.. best of luck of your great work..

Great post very relaxing, specially for the weekend. Thanks for sharing.

Cheers, I like to keep things light around here.

Hello greetings !
I had a lot of time without reading some of your poetry.
happy beginning of samana.


It is indeed. My luck was buying when prices were relatively good. It's a decent little swath with enough room for the kids to run.


Can't lie, it's pretty damn sweet. We get little wild rabbits, squirrels... Only once did I see a skunk. I'll try and get a nice photo when the lilac tree blooms.

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