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RE: Faith (Poetic Prose)

in #poetry6 years ago

"... it'd be unthinkable, inconceivable, just like Creation was before the Creator came along."

Yes! It's not a chicken/egg question, the creator came along much after the fact.

Did you ever wonder that 98% of the people that follow the one true religion (whichever that may be) follow the religion of their parents? I do wonder about things like that.

Thanks for a terrific post.


That line you quoted was also pointing out the contradiction inherent in most of the current religions. Would be easier to accept that we just don't know everything. Yet we assume we do. Talk of another contradiction - belief is there to cover we don't know everything, yet we assume we can know what can't be known to cement it.

Did you ever wonder that 98% of the people that follow the one true religion (whichever that may be) follow the religion of their parents? I do wonder about things like that.

I've wondered about it for many years. I've also thought of it with relation to politics, and "true love." Political affiliation is also very much akin to religious affiliation. All these things that are happenstance.
In Israel I think of it not just in terms of religions as a whole, but religiosity. How religious you are has a lot to do with how religious the household you've been raised in is.

And then people speak of it as if it's a decision to be religious, or secular. And while some people choose to diverge from the environment they've been raised in, most do not.

I think house-holds where the two parents differ is where you can truly choose. But that brings to mind questions on whether you just choose based on the parent you feel closer to or what.

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