in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

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With blood streaming,

And bodies strewn like worthless pennies .

Children screaming, Mothers crying,

Fathers running On the Plateau of Armageddon

Fear pumps adrenalin into the veins

Of scared fathers and hopeless mothers

Bullet tearing into the back of little children

While I hide behind a house and watch

That doesn't stop a grenade from creeping to my back

Nowhere is safe, there is no peace

if-the-end-of-the-world-is-about-to-arrive-now-what Meteorologista prevê mudança planetária em setembro 2015.jpg

Looking upon the skies at the birds of feathers,

At the birds of prey,

Watching the azure sky and cloud protecting them

But the sun is gazing down at us

With sometime a grin on its face,

Care is a thing of the past

Bonds are words forgotten

When women run without clothes

When fathers forget their sons

What is left in our hearts except emptiness?

lt steals our warm blood at night

No more, no more, no more peace

I sit by under the tree where the cold wind blow

Where would we be after all?

Hope strings like a spouting new bud

Amidst all the questions and doubt

He has brought us hope in the form of a Marshal

But we ask ourselves if the seas can be controlled

If the waves can be tamed

Hope we must have, even when blind

Operation safe Haven

Some mock, some praise!

l don't care anymore; all I want is a Haven

Where l can drink a cup of coffee

Hope has been ignited

I know I shall see the sun, not grinning again

Pressured with the punishing task of shining

Just as I see us all together

Gathering wood and breaking bread

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