in #poetry โ€ข 7 years ago (edited)


eye am
the one who
is behind a mask
of STRAW - that ENTITY
..IT convinced me convincingly
for years in many coloured voices
{{{{{{{{{ that ITblankspace75x24-dot1.jpgwas realblankspace75x24-dot2.jpg100%}}}}}}}}}
||||| andblankspace75x24.jpgthat IT wasblankspace75x24.jpgme! |||||
i bowed down ||||||| i couldn't see!
what did Goethe say?
a r e m o r e
h o p e l e s s l y
enslaved than those
w h o falsely believe
themselves to be free!
ENTITY came into being asblankspace100x24.jpgi was little, couldn't cope with
stuff hurled, snatched, takenblankspace100x24-heart.jpgaway โ€“ why why? i'm scared
left, alone, hollow... nobodyblankspace100x24.jpgsays anything, asks or knows.
AH but the E-N-T-I-T-Y!
HE kNOWzzz what to
do for ME HA HA!!!!
and sH O Ws how
neVER to H U R T
IT's alright barge
just turn it off -
ise feeling and
run with dark
pain & anger
for I am YOU
and YO U R
and so i ran
w i t h IT
until i
[image source] mask | sunset & 9-year-old eyes @barge

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I love the format. So creative and so deep! :) Hope you're doing great!

ย 6 years agoย (edited)

Thanks @wanderlass ๐ŸŒž , I'm great. Hope you managed to fly over the mountains to the place where you can!! ๐ŸŒ

Great to know! I'm feeling better. Not over the mountain yet but I see more hope now :)

Awesome, really love what you did with this man, we all have been behind dem masks for a while now eh?

Great layout, this is pretty much word as art with a message

Now that's an idea for a tag: 'wordart'! Yeah man, the masks...I've been wanting to explore the theme of the 'entity', and I really had fun with putting this experimentally together :). Thanks my friend.

oh wow!! this is some seriously AMAZING formatting!! and aside from that the poem is great.

eye am
the one who
is behind a mask
of STRAW - that ENTITY
..IT convinced me convincingly

this strawman fallacy is terrifyingly honest in itself ( the legal jargon side of all that) but I love how you twist the ending - now is it a dark rescue or a light rescue? I had the feeling the first time around it was a darker entity but maybe I am wrong.. however everytime I listen to that just turn it off and run voice I tend to be running from myself and not to myself

either way I really loved this!
Resteemed !!.png

Hmm you're referring to the STRAWMAN persona/legal entity represented by, for example FULL NAME on passport, birth cert. etc.....is it? That's defo where I'm coming from, just taking the entity and applying it to the process of alienation through life, when one's originality is conditioned away through early experiences of emotional trauma and we become the 'entity', the figment-of-imagination creature composed of our fears, phobias and control issues that takes over. The darkness is not something outside, but the darkness of ignorance in taking the fear and fakeness for real (and as all that there is to life) - the negative energies that one plays with in the 'asleep' state of consciousness. It is all inevitable for learning and growth and expansion, and I ultimately thank the entity. As for me, I literally tired, I became utterly exhausted; and in that state I stopped the entity-dance for the first time....I paused and I was conscious of this pause, and that was the start of widening the gap and finding myself in the hole :D

Thanks so much @amariespeaks ๐Ÿ”† ๐Ÿ”† ๐Ÿ”†

yes- that STRAWMAN lol and wow what a series of thoughts behind this - I like your explanation just as much as the poem itself!! and you're very welcome! so well deserved! - one thing on Steemit I don't like is how I lose track of people! My feed doesn't show me enough lol I love your poetry ! I will be making sure not keep up over here :-)

๐ŸŒž ๐ŸŒŸ ๐ŸŒž ๐ŸŒŸ ๐ŸŒž ๐ŸŒŸ ๐ŸŒž

This was definitely an impressive format. It is somewhat hard to read, but I love that it's unique and atypical.

Thanks @poetrybyjeremy, it's got form and content all jumbled up in an experimental mix. Thanks for appreciating its uniqueness, it was fun to create.

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