SteemitPoetryContest #10 - Gossamer

in #poetry7 years ago


Photo by Peter Shanks

Beauty of a gossamer wing
Shimmering in moon lit air
It is of you I sing
A song without a snare

Gossamer floats in night air
Wind whispers it afar
I chase as fox after hare
Reaching to grasp – my face a’mar

As in a trance I follow along
In delight its beauty I long
To shine in my hand
To rest in my land


"Reaching to grasp – my face a’mar"---what a gorgeous line. This is definitely some interesting imagery you've got going on here. I would be interested to know what inspired this work.

It was so long ago that I wrote it. It really reminds me of something the feeling I had after reading Lilith by George MacDonald my all time favorite book. And I think the beginning of modern fantasy literature. It made me really think about the idea of universalism.


or it could have been
Phantastes: A Faerie Romance for Men and Women by George MacDonald

That's awesome! As of now I'm actually a literature major. I've never heard of that book though, and I'm gonna check it out. Thanks!

I think I had in mind the idea of chasing after things that do not matter in the world. Pursuit of fleeting pleasures instead of bigger longer lasting things like peace and love.

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