Wawancara Tentang Kode Etik | Interview About Code of Ethics |

in #poetry6 years ago

Permohonan datang melalui kuda digital:
Berikut ini saya sampaikan daftar pertanyaan untuk keperluan tesis dengan judul “Pemahaman dan penerapan kode etik jurnalistik dalam peliputan berita, analisis normatif terhadap wartawan di Lhokseumawe”. Untuk melengkapi data yang diperlukan terkait penelitian ini, maka kami mohon mengisi daftar wawancara sebagai berikut:

Berderet pertanyaan menungguku sambil tersenyum. Mereka sedang tergesa, meminta jawaban, atau “kami akan mati penasaran”.

Secara keseluruhan, wartawan memahami Kode Etik Jurnalistik. Namun, dalam kasus ini harus dibedakan antara “paham” dengan “mengimplementasi”, demikian juga dengan mereka. Dalam mewawancarai narasumber dan dalam berbagai diskusi, mereka terlihat paham akan Kode Etik. Namun, dalam prakteknya, pelanggaran Kode Etik selalu ada, terutama Pasal tentang tidak menerima imbalan dari narasumber dan tidak menyalahkangunakan wewenang.

Barangkali ada kaitannya dengan tingkat kesejahteraan wartawan yang masih rendah, maka sering mereka menadah, termasuk memaksa iklan dari narasumber. Ketika tidak diberikan, wartawan mencari-cari kesalahan narasumber. Tapi itu bukan gambaran wartawan secara keseluruhan.

Pertama, karakteristik personal wartawan yang tidak baik. Jadi, meskipun mendapat pelatihan mendalam tentang penegakan Kode Etik, mereka tetap tidak akan menerapkannya dalam liputan dan dalam pemberitaan.

Kedua, masih ada wartawan yang belum paham tentang Kode Etik atau hanya memahami Kode Etik secara dangkal. Dalam prakteknya, sering keliru menerapkan Kode Etik.

Ketiga, perhatian dari perusahaan dan organisasi tempat wartawan bernaung yang kurang memerhatikan penegakan Kode Etik. Keempat, narasumber cenderung permisif terhadap pelanggaran Kode Etik wartawan atau narasumber tidak paham bahwa wartawan bersangkutan sudah melanggar Kode Etik.

Kelima, masih banyak wartawan yang belum lulus sertifikasi. Materi dalam ujian sertifikasi juga harus diperbaiki dengan menekankan pentingnya Kode Etik. Terakhir, tingkat pendidikan wartawan masih rendah dan ini sering berpengaruh terhadap penegakan Kode Etik.

Aku bertanya tentang kompetensi wartawan. Apakah ia sudah lulus kompetensi dan bertanya bagaimana pemahamannya tentang Kode Etik dan menyarankan mereka untuk mengikuti berbagai pelatihan yang ada bahkan gratis bagi wartawan yang sering digelar organisasi wartawan.

Lhokseumawe, Selasa 22 Januari 2019

Interview About Code of Ethics

Request to come via digital horse:
Here I submit a list of questions for the purpose of the thesis with the title "Understanding and applying the journalistic code of ethics in news coverage, normative analysis of journalists in Lhokseumawe". To complete the required data related to this research, we ask to fill in the interview list as follows:

A series of questions waiting for me while smiling. They are in a hurry, asking for answers, or "we will die curiously".

Overall, journalists understand the Journalistic Code of Ethics. However, in this case there must be a difference between "understanding" and "implementing", as well as them. In interviewing informants and in various discussions, they seemed to understand the Code of Ethics. However, in practice, violations of the Code of Ethics always exist, especially Article about not receiving rewards from sources and not misrepresenting authority.

Perhaps there is a connection with the level of welfare of journalists who are still low, so they often catch up, including forcing advertisements from sources. When not given, reporters look for faulty speakers. But that is not a picture of the reporter as a whole.

First, the personal characteristics of journalists who are not good. So, despite receiving in-depth training on the enforcement of the Code of Ethics, they will still not implement it in coverage and in the news.

Second, there are still journalists who do not understand the Code of Ethics or only understand the Code of Ethics superficially. In practice, it is often wrong to apply the Code of Ethics.

Third, the attention of companies and organizations where shelter journalists pay less attention to the enforcement of the Code of Ethics. Fourth, resource persons tend to be permissive to violations of the journalist's Code of Ethics or the resource person does not understand that the journalist in question has violated the Code of Ethics.

Fifth, there are still many journalists who have not passed certification. The material in the certification exam must also be improved by emphasizing the importance of the Code of Ethics. Finally, the education level of journalists is still low and this often affects the enforcement of the Code of Ethics.

I asked about the competence of journalists. Has he passed the competency and asked how he understood the Code of Ethics and advised them to take part in the various training programs available even free for journalists who are often held by the journalist organizations.

Tuesday January 22, 2019




Thanks for taking the time to post!

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