The Math Will Be Solid

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

So I understand that you frequently touch wood .
Are you afraid of losing someone close to you?
Then this might help you relax.
Forgive me for the bad start.
But hear me out. I am a realist you see,
And Death can happen to anyone.
Me, ..
I am afraid of Death.
So are you.
Here’s a few reasons why you’re afraid.

1.You do not know what is going to happen.
2.You are afraid to miss out on “life”
3.You are afraid of what your death or other’s,can do to people close to them.

For the one who is about to go.

Whether it is the panicky, loud, chaotic interior of a crashing plane,
A bumpy ride in an ambulance,
A lonely alleyway that you just got stabbed in and have no help,
Or a lonely highway with the tail-lights of the car that just hit you fatally, fading in the distance.
Know that Death is near.

In Islam.
Azrael (AS)
The Angel of death.

Will literally cross the entire cosmos to make it to you just in time for your appointment with him.

I do not know the tech that God deals with.
Nor can my mind withstand, comprehend or imagine such data with our current evolutionary standing.
But it seems pretty badass.

You will be missed.
When you go, someone is gonna keep replaying an entire memory sector in their head for the rest of their life.

But just like the millions before you,
You will be forgotten.
People will move on.
Friends will forget.
Lovers will find another love.
Parents? Yes they will remember.

Acknowledge these truths,
They might set you free.
All things must die.

Just pray.

I don’t give a damn what God you believe in. Or not.
Just pray.
Okay if you die , and wake up, and find no God.
Then I will accept that I was wrong,
But till then ,
What have you got to lose anyway?

Know that your death is important.
How important? Very.

One day, the state of the entire universe, would not have been achieved had you not died when you did.
Your death is part of a goddamned blockchain too.
It is that important.
Maybe in a billion years. But yes.

Prepare yourself.

Know that whatever state of existence you will achieve, The math will be solid.
The universe breathes in math. Trust it. Revere it.

Don’t worry about us.
We are no longer your concern.
This is about you.
Take a deep breath.
Dont panic.
Why go down afraid and wide-eyed?
Than a being with a heightened sense of things?
All those unanswered questions that used to keep you up at night.
Are about to be answered.

For the one who is about to stay.

You have a lot more shit to deal with than your dear departed.
I know how harrowing it can be to look at your love.
Lifeless, Cold and Unresponsive.
Let me tell you some cold hard truths.
Denial is the worst sanctum of solace, For it provides you none.

What you are witnessing is raw nature, In its purest form.
As pure as birth, life and death.
You are allowed to be sad.
You are allowed to remember.
But what you are not allowed to do.
Is Despair and give up.
Your relationship with the person lying in front of you,
Has simply ceased to exist.

There is no such thing as a past or a future.
Time is simultaneous.
There exists only the present, Remnants of the past, And predictions of the future.
And remnants they will leave behind.
Do not dispose of them.
Do not despair when you see them.
And move on.
Distractions are the best to cope.
Find someone new.
Know that everyone you see is as susceptible to death as your dear departed,
Even you.
Make your peace with that fact.
Take your time.
Memories can be excruciating I know.
For the next few years,
Things around you will remind you of them continuously.
There is no escaping that.
But it helps if you try not to escape.

Face it.
Cry your heart out if you must.
But once you’re done.
Get up.
And move on.
Staying is not gonna help.
Because they have left.
You still have your life ahead.
It hasn’t lost it’s meaning or purpose.
It never did.
It is a story.
You will never know what happens in the end if you’re stuck at one chapter.
Yes your stories did intersect and they’re parallel now.
Does that mean you’re just gonna stop reading?
It is but a pathetic waste.
Even if the one who left was your child.
The idea is to reach your grave with as many scars as possible.
Only then can you say you lived it to the fullest.
A knight in shining armor has never had his metal tested.
There is a greater cause for every gram of patience you crush in your palm.
One day you will meet someone who will remind you of them.
Only then will you understand the cycle of life.
When someone close to you dies.
You grow up right there.
Like sand.
Like paint.
Like rain.
Like thunder.
Like Birds in the sky.
Like a road that goes on forever.

Yours Faithfully,

Image Source : Tumblr (Not my image. All copyrights to original owner reserved and respected)


Friends can leave. But this friend will stay.

Wow, than incredible reading, I loved it. thanks for sharing it

Awesome! Good to know. Means a lot to me. Lets stay connected.

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