in #poetry7 years ago

Varying with degrees of Intensity,
On a scale of relaxed to rigor-mortis,
Fear usually starts off as a tinge of uneasiness,
Waning down on your state of loneliness,
And slowly graduating to mind numbing proportions..
Let me start off by telling you what fear is, and what fear is not..

Fear is not the dark palette on which you dream,
Fear is not your silent scream,
Fear is not your teeth chattering,
Fear is not your feet stumbling in panic,
Fear is not words struggling to escape your throat.
Fear is not what she wrote..
Fear is your final bargain,
Fear is undesignated footsteps in the rain,
Fear is flight or fight in your brain,

Fear is of a promise you did not keep,
Fear is the window you stare at before you sleep,.

Fear is not the candle you grasp so valiantly,
Fear is what stood beside you while you lit it frantically..

Fear is what you don’t see when you look toward the sound,
Fear is always behind you, even if you turn around..

Fear is not guns and torches and preparation,
Fear is when the torch batteries malfunction..

Fear is not a moving chair,Or strange patterns of static on the TV screen,
Fear is when the paranormal expert decides to intervene..

Fear is not the chill running down your spine,
Fear is legitimate, if it is of the Divine..

Fear is not locking the door to be safe and protected within,
Fear is realizing you locked yourself in..

Fear is not you hiding and dialing your phone,Fear is the voice that answered, your own..
Fear is not the noise your neighbors did make,Fear is finding out they were never awake,.

Fear is not the sudden change of air in your room,
Fear is that scarlet flume,rising from rigid hair on the back of your neck,
To tell you, that your current environment,has become hostile,
Though you cannot perceive it,
Your exit from the room is your highest priority,

Because as every second ticks,Your existence draws close to a terrifying end..

Fear is not you coming face to face,
Fear is that little piece of carpet,
you’re about to trip on,while for your life you race..

But what if you never ran,
You just , somehow, sat there, and waited.
Swallowed the maddening panic,
And the fast growing sense of loss of safety
Something Dark, Ancient and  Bloodthirsty materializing around you.
You waited..

In the following  1 minute,That civilization left you alone in the room for,
To face what you were about to face.
You will either die..
Or emerge with much greater knowledge/data than ever possessed.
Because some knowledge is only made available by overcoming Fear.
In every vantage of life,If it killed you, then that knowledge was worth learning..
Because you see,
In the end,
We’re all prisoners of our time,
Death is just a natural process.
Once you overcome it’s fear then you overcome yourself..
In all these scenarios earlier spoken,
The two things that did exist in every scenario was you and fear.
There was never a ghost or anything like it.
Come now sweet child of mine,
Life is but a hazy drive,
Because we are all only trying our best to survive.
But what good is it to just survive?
When you can take over and be a God.

Do not be afraid to look for what you need to find.
This fear seems to dwell only in your mind.

Just remember one thing,

Fear is not you peeking nervously through a keyhole, trying to hide.
Fear is what is peeking from the other side.

Yours Faithfully,

Image Source : Google Images

The cosmic void.

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