Arjun RabidassteemCreated with Sketch.

in #poetrylast year

Arjun Rabidas, a name to remember,
A soul so pure, a heart so tender,
Amidst the chaos, he stood so tall,
A beacon of hope, for one and all.

Born in a world, filled with strife,
He fought his way, to a better life,
With grit and determination, he forged ahead,
Leaving behind, the darkness and dread.

His spirit unbroken, his faith unshaken,
He battled on, his soul awakened,
For he knew, deep down inside,
That the path he chose, would be his guide.

Arjun Rabidas, a warrior of light,
A shining example, of strength and might,
His story a testament, to the human spirit,
That with perseverance, anything is possible, we can do it!

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