My newest poem, not yet totally complete.. Titled "Occult Culture".steemCreated with Sketch.

in #poetry7 years ago

Hey everyone, I debated on posting this because it's not done yet. But.. It's close enough, and.. I'd also appreciate any feedback extra on this one cause.. I want to start vocalizing some of my poems. It's a goal of mine to perform them vocally, and.. I never really have before. I tried once and it was too monotone, I didn't like it.
But.. I have hundreds of poems and I want to give them more spirit and life, so I'm going to work on it.. And I guess I'm starting with one of the hardest and most complex and longest ones, lol.

There's a reason for that, I wanna include it in a project in the future and I might as well start somewhere, so.. I'm gonna work on it over and over and try really hard to get something I feel happy with and would much appreciate any tips from any spoken word people, or musicians who perform vocally! I think one of the best tips I've got so far is to memorize the material and know it really well.. So.. That's gonna be a lil tough, yet we'll see. :) I'm pretty good at remembering when I try.
Anyways.. There's the backstory on all that, hope you enjoy the poem.. I put a lot of work and time into this one and consider it one of my best, or perhaps even my best one.

Occult Culture.

Hypnotized by a providence of eyes.
While.. Unable to properly concentrate right..
Look.. They fascinate you.
Like snakes luring their food.
And hey.. You gotta put up a fight and be strong enough inside.
Or else into their jaws you'll be consumed.

The entertainments, governments and religions most commonly subscribed to.
Are their imaginations put into yours.. Their designs now within you, let loose.
You don't see them, but they see you and they see through you and they see through and through.
From a cult of self proclaimed divine truth.
It's a goal of theirs, to keep you perpetually confused.
Illusions upon illusions, which ones to choose from?

Umm.. A horse, a sheep, or one that is free? Or..?
If you don't know, you're probably already fucked.. Jeez.
Cause.. Magic is only magic when you don't understand it.
They gain pleasure from your powerlessness and the ways in which you beg pleases.
These demons and ifrits.
Keep materializing freaks who pretend to be Jesus.
Mystics mesmerize with spells to expel our true selves.
Use your will or you'll be in perpetual slavery with no need of a prophecy to foretell.

Revolution, or evolution?
What is the truth then?
Is it intuitive?
In this decade of moral decay.
Mass worship is a warship.
They're like whores for scripts.
Suggestively inhibited.
During the experiments.
No way to quit once you're within it.
Exquisite division.
From such naive superstitions.
Human sacrifice is probably the mission.
Occult culture driven.
Illy Illuminated.
Profoundly bizarre.
Exclusionarily insinuated.
Our icons are conning us.
We don't know who they are.

Looking down they saw the horrible stuff they saw.
If heaven existed, the angels would be appalled.
How we treat each other, is at times beyond wrong.
It's not too hard to understand how even the pure could fall.
How can you watch, without getting pissed off.
Fuck fuck fuck, what the fucking fuck, it makes the fucking skin crawl.
Makes you wanna fucking vomit and withdraw.
Makes you wanna be a different species, or an alien, or an outlaw.
Screw their societies, create your own laws.
Screw their religions, be your own god.
Do what you gotta do, be awesome.
Set an example, go through the shadows, show your heart.
It's important when you can to at least some extent.. Love even the dark parts.
When you can let loose, and dance under the stars.
When you have faith in faith, not in that shit that they claimed.
Personal truths, existentially contemplated.

From nothing to infinity.
Mysterious symbolic numerology.
Out in the open for all to see.
Pictures.. Suggestions.. Thoughts and words.
Don't let them tell you what reality really is.
Fake psychics pretending to be clairvoyant.
Taking advantage, of the susception to mental imagery it's.
Like being affected by false associations and trained like chimps.
Mimicking and copying.
Trying to fit in.
Mysterious predictions, predict eternities of this.
What is the grand purpose, why do we even exist.
I think we all want the answer, but I don't think anyone has it, or can ever have it.
Stuck in a matrix of limitations undiscovered.
Surrounded by fakes and shills.
The obtusely ignorant, minds always in the gutter.
Stampeding each other to death for the next deal.
Then over there another doesn't have a next meal.
A dissenting appeal.
Appealing to resist the system indeed.
Behaving as if on a quest for questions, questioning.
What is retreat?
Visualizing predators and the beast.
Until your shadow self exceeds.
Three three three, six six six, the world suffers and bleeds.
Yet most don't give a shit, or a fuck.
Be on guard, in accordance with internal laws decreed.
A world without trust is a world of misery.
So many are so gone in spirit and morally.
Belief withers into disbelief.
Squares and a compass can't help them find their hearts, or much of anything.
The hyper impressionable hyper impressed with opening doors for vampires, open them way too easily.
Pyramids and columns of twin spires and one in the distance equals a trinity.
Over and over, checkered floors covered by divine dualities.
Ancient stories retold, unknown symbols placed higher and out of reach.
Alchemical currents insidiously transpiring.
Reacting before they can preach.
Being unpredictable, is one of the few keys.
If a single one, is to try to take on many.


I think recording you speaking these out would def be very cool. you could put them on soundcloud and post them on here for people to listen to as they read. this is fantastic

Thanks. ._. And.. Yeah.. I think if I can do it right and put the right kind of energy into it there's definitely some interesting potential there.. Just gotta find my voice more. And I think I will, since.. I want to and I'm pretty determined to make it happen. :)

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