Part of a poem I'm working on.

in #poetry6 years ago

This isn't totally complete yet, however I'm liking how it's looking so far and felt like sharing anyways in case I get any feedback, or just to sort of.. Regularly post more and put more work out even if it's not 100% perfected I still wanna keep producing content and staying active. I used to post 3 times a day or more, and recently I've gone weeks or longer without posting my own stuff cause I've been so busy with the IFC contest, so.. It's time for me to start posting more regularly! Hope you like the poem!

Awakened in a wake, time to wake the dead.
The necromancer's fate awaits..
Mourning every morning only to reincarnate again amd again.
Magicians imagining images used through the words they said.
Free voices choose to change certain events.
While others wonder where the time went.
Witches and warlocks defying orthodox through languages evidence.
Muggles lost in the struggle of being in a bubble of ignorance to extreme extents.
Spellcasters more aware, more present, more looking at respect.
Mirrors back upon mirrors reflect.
What a bloody sacrifice it is to be blessed.
Such a beautiful mess.
Filled with what's pleasant, and such terrible stress.
Terror within the inevitable suspense.
A source error of sorcerers.
Wandering with wands astray.
Shamanistic forces stirred further.
Phonetic rhetoric accompanied a man that day.
Curiosity out of courseness observed by a discerner.
Symbolism, logos and gylphs entrained.
Grooves cut, notches carved, giving birth to patterns and order.
Switching walls these wise wizards kept whizzing words into place.
Anything but normal, curiously questioning just about every thing and way.
Together we grow up, alone we remain.
This support base, keeping it straight.
Before alpha, the predate.
Yrecros, paths crossed, a cross displayed.
Dualities inverted, chaos exchanged.
Rivers of information, coalescing into one state.
What the fuck does it all mean? Why do we even exist in the first place?
Many seem to think they know, however.. Just cause one believes something.. Does not make it a reality we should all embrace.
Be careful with the information you take.
The way in which you view the world can be changed and shaped.
They mind control in waves upon waves.
Gaining copious dialectical slaves.
The lingo, bingo.. We're out of luck, so.. Hey..
What do you say?
Wanna be a part of the play?
Wear some costumes and masks and perform some rituals to obey?
Are you a person? Or are you clay?
Molded like a statue that can perform tasks each day.
Keeping the machine running, oiling the decay.
Fuel for the heartless, true love erased.
Seems like almost no one cares anymore.. They let it all burn away.
Seems like almost no one cares anymore.. They let it all burn away.


keep it up bro

Thanks for the encouragement. Will do. ._.

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