My Healer(The filter that holds water) - Spoken words poetry

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Hey, disease,
I know you are one of the devil's lies
And as I write you take many lives.

You come in many faces and names
But, you are just one and the same.

You affect many believers and make them loose their faith,
You destroy their body and cause them curse his name.

Picked up my pen to write this piece,
Before I knew it I fell ill.

Hey, Devil, I knew it's your plan so I didn't take any pill,
3 days later I defeated you and was back to my feet.

Disease listen to me, am talking to you now,
You've got to have faith, you are gonna feel fine.

Because the power that filled his garment's hem is creeping into you now,
Open your heart, it's gonna be absorbed and non excreted.

He is still in the business of healing diseases d he is not taking any penny,
Nothing is impossible for him to do, including sister HIV.

Yes, inside you you could feel cancer growing,
But I want you to know, he is taking away that burden

Stage 1, stage 11, stage 111, stage IV
he doesn't care to know.

He is the painter on water,
He could paint you on waters and it will flow to all ends of the world.

He is the filter that holds water,
He could hold every piece of you even though you are broken to dust.

Yet, filtering every infirmity that has clogged your lungs,
All you have to do is open your blood vessels and let his will flow through you.

Even though you feel Death breathing,
know he is taking away all that burden..

You think you are done, that there is no cure.
That's just the doctor's report.

My God has no "no cure" in his dictionary,
Impossible does not exist, it's just your body yielding to your mind.

You might feel you are going through fire,
Our God is the consuming fire that brings peace to the soul.

Feel that cancer leaving you right now,
Feel that barrenness going away,
Poverty is running right now,
Heart diseases are parking their luggages,
Stroke is turning to strength,
Kidneys are being replaced,
Eye sights are being released from the throne of grace,
His anointing is mending all souls right from the sole,
I feel like crawling out of this speakers and make you understand that even though your faith is as small as a mustard seed,
You'll be made whole

All he asks of you is to believe.

This is ApexDefather's pen

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