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RE: Buddah in the Background - Let Go (Original)

in #poetry8 years ago

Rob, right?

This is beautiful and I'm even more blown away that all the associated art is your own. You are quite gifted artistically.

I was looking at your intro post as well (sorry to bring it up here, I'm not able to comment on that post... Does discussion "freeze" after a certain amount of time?). It is a super unique intro post, part art, part tutorial, part bio... I'm also curious has your partner joined since that post two months ago?

And have you told any stories of your time over seas yet? I am very curious to read some


Thanks a lot, I just try to make use of photography and technology for images and my brain for wurdz.

I think discussion does freeze after a certain amount of time but I can't recall the details about when, probably after the 30 day mark.

By the time my partner wanted to sign up, sign ups were actually closed, it was crazy... but once it opened again he did make an account. He is not, however, very much into social media so trying to encourage him to post, I guess we'll see how that works out haha.

I haven't delved into my overseas stories yet, no. My time in the military was pretty complicated (nothing bad, just existential), so I haven't quite gotten to the point of being ready to reopen that time in my life.

Also, I can't find the pictures from overseas, back then we didn't smartphones so all my pics were physical. They're somewhere in this apartment though and once I find them I do plan on talking about the stories from 16 port stops.

Thanks for the feedback on my intro post :)

Do you mind sharing a little more about what you mean by your time with the military being existential? I am happy to wait for a future post though :)

Though I'm not ready to plumb those depths quite yet, I will say that I had an untethered upbringing that led me to having a wanderlust that took me to college as first in my family, and to the military to witness for myself. I was young and didn't realize what I was in for... I learned a lot about humanity though.

I look forward to hearing more about these revelations

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