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RE: Spiritvs Magvm et Sonvs Infinitas (The Spirit of the Mage, and the Sound of Infinity) [Original spoken word video]

in #poetry8 years ago

That's the idea with a lot of my new spoken or verbal style, underlying humor. I come from a very dark past psychologically and have found the only way out is laughter. So I try to create a sense of comedy even out of the painful experiences. I'm glad you appreciate this piece. :)


I like humor. It does take something like this to make me chuckle. Most of what society finds amusing does not amuse me. I like cerebral humor. So I do like things like The Big Bang Theory yet I am annoyed by comedy where people act like idiots. I don't find idiocy particularly amusing.

So your humor there was just the kind I like.

Most people do not like The Big Bang Theory, I personally love it haha. I can find humor in stupidity, but it is not my favorite flavor. Sometimes I do like to just let loose and be dumb with my humor, but its more for me than any one else - hardly do people catch my comedy.

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