My Poem #Love You Mom

in #poetry7 years ago

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(This is dedicated to all the beautiful Moms in the world.
Moms are the only person we have who lo us unconditionally even when we heart their feelings they don't stop loving us. You don't have to buy her expensive gift to make her happy just hug her and say love you mom.)

You brushed my hair and tucked me in,
Made me laugh for hours on end.
You kissed my boo-boos when I fooled around.
Mummy, you never let me down.

You held my hand as I got my shots
Then took me for ice cream that hit the spot.
You bought me Polly-Pockets and toys too.
Mommy, there's no one quite like you

You held my hand as I walked through the door,
Then you met my teacher as I stared at the floor.
You told me it'd be fun, and I'd make friends too,
And for that reason, Mommy, I love you.

You listened to me talk about the drama and my friends
Then taught me how to handle it with class and poise.
You spoke with wisdom and of things you know.
You love to hear me say, "Mommy, you told me so."

You love the Lord with all you heart,
And you're kind and gentle and pretty and smart
If I could be anyone, I'd pick you
'Cause, Mommy, the world would be better with two of you.

You've taught me so much, with more in store
And with each day that passes


(If you liked this please goto your mom or if you can't reach her then call her and say "I love you mom" cause we never know how long she's gonna be with us so tell her that you love her as much as you can so that you don't have to regret)

(I translated this into perisan as I actually wrote it in English so if I have missed anything please forgive me and sorry for using boo-boos in English I failed to remember any word to replace that which will go along the sentence well)

شما خار و جمع به من
ساخته شده من خنده را برای ساعت ها در پایان.
شما را بوسید my boo-boos زمانی که من فریب خورده در اطراف.
مومیایی, شما هرگز به من اجازه پایین.

شما برگزار شد و دست من به عنوان من عکس های من
پس از آن من را برای بستنی که نقطه ضربه.
شما خریداری من پولی جیب و اسباب بازی بیش از حد.
مامان و هیچ کس وجود دارد کاملا مانند شما

شما برگزار شد دست من همانطور که من راه می رفت از طریق درب
سپس شما ملاقات معلم من به من خیره شد در طبقه.
شما به من گفت که این امر می تواند سرگرم کننده و من می خواهم دوستان را بیش از حد
و به همین دلیل مامان, من شما را دوست دارم.

شما به من گوش به صحبت در مورد درام و دوستان من
سپس به من آموخت که چگونه به آن رسیدگی با کلاس و با وقار.
شما صحبت کرد و با عقل و از چیزهایی که شما می دانید.
شما عشق به گوش من می گویند, "مامان شما به من گفت،"

شما عشق به خداوند با همه شما قلب
و شما و مهربان و زیبا و هوشمند
اگر من می تواند هر کسی که من می خواهم شما را انتخاب کنید
چون مامان, جهان بهتر خواهد بود با شما دو نفر است.

شما به من آموخته ام که خیلی بیشتر در فروشگاه
و هر روز که می گذرد


OMG! This is SUCH an AMAZING post! Thank you for sharing! I gave you a vote!!

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