Life related poetry....must read 📝steemCreated with Sketch.

in #poetry5 years ago

After a long time wrote a poetry which is related to our life. everyday whatever is happening with our life in this poem i wrote that.

Its me @abfarhan

Here's my poetry 📝 (Hindi)

कलम तो बहुत है पर विचार नहीं है
पैसा तो बहुत है पर इज्ज़त नहीं है
आराम तो बहुत है पर नींद नहीं है
भोजन तो बहुत है पर भूख नहीं है
आदमी तो बहुत है मददगार नहीं है
डिग्रियाँ तो बहुत है पर रोजगार नहीं है
फंड तो बहुत है पर कल्याण कार्य नहीं है
समय तो बहुत है पर इसका सदुपयोग नहीं है
भिखारी तो बहुत है पर दानी नहीं है
रास्ते तो बहुत है पर लक्ष्य नहीं है
दोस्त तो बहुत है पर सच्चा दोस्त नहीं है

I would like to say thanks 🙏💕 to @backpackingmonk because he helped me to translate this poem.

There are enough pens, but no thoughts
There is enough money, but no respect
There is enough rest, but no sleep
There is enough food, but no hunger
There are enough people, but no one to help
There are enough college degrees, but no jobs
There are enough funds, but no welfare work
There is enough time, but it is not useful
There are enough beggars, but no donors
There are enough ways, but no targets
There are enough friends, but no true friends.

This post was translated from Hindi to English by @backpackingmonk of the Lost In Translation community – @lit

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I hope you like my poetry. And thanks for always support. Love you all ❤😘



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