Unsavoury Habits As A Form Of Pacing. Gotta give up pacing
The attachment to a stand in is a form of pacing. Not the technology, the substance or repetitive back and forth movement itself but the relation to those phenomena. What are we to think of fidgeting? It is a way of someone evening themselves out when they are feeling a bit of tension. Could be thought about that way huh? Nervous tension a touchy subject huh!? Yes, we do this to not have a total breakdown perhaps. The tick starts as a natural reaction. In itself not harmful, could have therapeutic effects initially. Yet if the tension, (could very well be social tension!) continues it could form the guise of a harmful addiction. Like fidgeting with your dinga ling long ding dang doodle! Let them fidget gawddammit!!This doesn't say much about the subjects individuality themselves per se, its more an indicator of stress, even to social stress. At first a healthy temporary adaption to feeling locked in a cage.
Being Understimulated can be overwhelming. Suffocating. Exhausting. It's a killer. Could these addictions to technologies be a mass form of withdrawal!? A culture so repugnant and empty that some are brainwashed to attempt a simulation to escape! An old story, never mind the drug, the technology, what started as a celebration of the senses has turned out sinister and senseless. The creepy faceless interface of an empty being, without body mind or sense of being. only debased sensation. Getting off on getting crushed like a grape. I wont do them the favor of labeling them an insect as they please. It's not real. It's a reaction to abandonment and or abuse suffered. The reaction is real, the self medication at first valid. Don't stay there, go home.
Oh the society doesn't have a home well. They will pay for this! I'm on for the mission to dismantle paranoid society
Even coffee and cigarettes is a form of pacing for me. If I liked the activity so much I would not pace them! Pacing back and forth like a loony. Getting the creeps from seeing it as a way to keep humans more like machines. The coffee and cigarettes turn into a form of speed instead of a pleasureful greed. Greed is good but gratitude is better indeed.
Right being understimulated makes it possible to take anti-social means of stimulation. Every one just needs a hug in a way. To be recognised as the unique person of who they really are. To not be defined by habits. It can seem like a doozie to get through.
I'm going through a coffee cold-turkey right now, day five, and also 48 hours without tea now as well. The headaches came a couple of times at the weekend, and really weren't so bad this time, but this morning ... It came to 8:20 and I'm sitting at my joke of a desk and I start fidgeting: what can I do? I was thinking, no coffee. I have a lovely mix of cinnamon and tumeric, and it's lovely a warning and all, but it just doesn't answer. Is my life so **** empty that one cup of coffee tips the balance?
Great post! Love it.
I'd like to have one of those squishy stress balls! If I can get most my energy from good food and activity like walking I won't have that desire to smoke or drink so much. I believe I can save the coffee more for when I go out with someone, instead of drinking it by myself as an almost replacement for being social. I like drinking coffee around other people! I get hyper and funny! Unless I already pre-burnt myself out on it. I will save it for special