When you get to know the Truth.

in #poems6 years ago

When you get to know the truth,

    About why there's bad in the world
    About the wars controlled by banks
    About the phones people attach to that emit harmful waves
    About the school system turning free minds into slaves
    About the shutting down of free speech
    The killing of people who represent the many
    The trillions of dollars that flow to the top
    The hyperinflation that'll wipe out our power
    The dying of crops all over the globe
    The feeding of conflict all over the news
    The surveillance
    The police
    The market manipulations
    The Chase.
    The denial of God in replacement of man
    The fear of the truth that pervades all our minds.

And you see your friends still in denial,
Still working commands instead of building their own
Happy in their subordination
Settling for mediocrity
Jumping from dopamine rush to dopamine rush,
    sugar high to sugar high,
    spending this to spending that,
slaving again.

"We are meant to be free"
"But I must get a job"
"I don't have the time anymore"
"I need the system, for it feeds me."

We've been given a slot of time on a beautifully sculpted planet, with life and peace and love abound, and given the hands to build and explore and revere.

But most have now been blinded, so much so that corruption and coercion occurs in broad daylight, and Nobody cares enough to break their chains.

Our possessions are bleeding dry
The blinded are ill prepared
You try to warn those in the bubble, but they say,

"You speak too much, you give me fear.
You speak too much truth, let me back into my life."

And your friends grow distant
Posting their lives on social media
Buying their daily coffee
School and work
Smiling defeat.

You are tempted to fall back in line, knowing the truths.
You are tempted to live a lie or risk it all.

Perhaps this is the Almighty, testing His souls.



This is the burden of the Watchmen. Keep the faith.

1 Peter 2:18-19 -- Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God.


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