Get My Leg! (non-beastiality video included)

in #poem7 years ago (edited)

Owed to Peanut

Get my leg! Get my leg!
Don’t make me beg,
Just get my leg.

My first love was a ten-pound terrier
I’d fall down, he’d get my derriere,
my giggles breaking the sound barrier.

Though it ended in a cuddle,
he liked me standing, our duet huddle.
When he was done, he’d leave a puddle

from the dance, spot on my pants,
then he’d go into a trance,
take a nap, spent by romance.

That dog would mount what he could get,
a pillow, stuffed bunny, a baseball mitt,
and then one day he mounted a Pit.

Four times his size, she wasn’t bewitched,
snapped with jaws his backbone ridge,
and now he humps his way across the Rainbow Bridge.


hahahaha. When Loki would hump my niece she would yell to him, "NO MORE PIGGY BACK RIDES!!"

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