The Radio ,my friend!

in #poem7 years ago

 Long  time  ago  there  lived  a  little    girl   in  small   valley .The  valley   was   surrounded   by   lashing   green   hills  among   which   a   glittering   silver   like   stream   flowed   while    singing   sweet    songs   of    life   and   love.  The   sky   above    the  valley   was   deep    shiny     blue   where  the     golden   ball   of   smiling   sun   arose    and  set   off   often   until   the   dark   grey   blanket   of   clouds   covered   it   under   their   thick   chest . That   little    girl   found   everything   around   her   beautiful   and   lovable .  


 For   her   this   world   was   a   wonderland   where   she   landed   to   learn   and   explore  .She   was   beyond   just   happy  .Her    heart   was   beating   and   each    beat   starved    for   knowing   this    place   more   passionately .She    wandered    with   her   friends   on   hills   ,among   fields and   gardens ,swum   in   stream   and   tried   to   touch   the   mysterious   blue   face   of   sky   while   swinging  madly . She   was   excited   to   be   on   this   world  and   her   excitement  and   joy   were   turning    her   to   a   butterfly   who   flies    over   each   flower    and    wonder   about   it's   nature  and   feature. 

 She   had   thirst    for   learning   and   there   were   springs   to   fulfill   her    desires. She   asked   so   many   questions   from   her   parents  ,grandparents ,teachers  and   her   old   friends  .Yes   she   was   hardly   in   teens    but   she     loved   the   company   of   people   who   were   elder  than   even   her   grandparents .She   asked   them   about   old   times   and   love   to   listen   stories  belong   to   that    era. .  

 When   she   grew   little   more   her   father    brought   her  many   books   which   published   on   monthly   bases.   She   also   used   to   borrow   books   from   her   school   library   and   her   grand   father . Her   grandfather's   books   were   mostly   about   religious  and   her   little   brain   could   not   excepted   that    The   God   of   such   HUGE!   universe    can   think    as   little   and   punish   his   beloved   man   for   his   small    sins  as   bad .Soon   she   avoid   the   religious   books  except  only   one   holy  book   sent   by   God   at   the   heart   of   their   Prophet . She   found  it   easy   and   simple   to   believe   and   follow . 

 All    God    wanted   from   her   to   ponder   upon   his    creations   and   do    actions   which   are   positive   and   constructive   for   herself   and   her   surroundings. And  no  extra   complicated   demands   or   threat   for  punishments  just   simple   straight   rule  of  life "LIVE   AND   LET   LIVE"   But   it   was   just   beginning   of   her    learning . There   were    so   many   topics   and   things   about   which   her  head   raised   numerous  questions   and    her   soul   strived  for   learning   the   answers . 

 In    such    lost    circumstances    her   Radio   proved   a  best   friend .  In    the    darkness   of    unknowing     alot   radio     opened    like   a   window   through   which   she   received   fresh  air   and  light . She    became   addicted   to   this   window   .She   wanted   to   keep   it   open   all   the   time  ,it   gave    her    sense   of   connectivity   with   the   world   she   knew   nothing   about . Through   the   beautiful   and   very   very   powerful   and   effective   voices   she    gained   the   truth   of   life  ,the   strength   of    character   and    frame    of   personality. She   found  people  at   the   other   side   of   that   window   who   answered   her   each   question   patiently  and  with   open  heart.

 She   felt   through   this   magical   window   coming   a   gradual    growth   and    empowerment . The   charming   voices   and   their   grave   wise   phrases   planted   a   seed   of   confidence   in   her .She    realized   that   without   physically   being    there   she   experienced   the   worlds   many   adventures   ,and    faced   many   ups   and   downs  without   being   victim  as   her   amazingly   strong     imagination     helped   her   to   explore    all   this. 

 She   started    to    share   her   opinions    and   imaginative   ventures   with   brilliant   people    behind   the   mike   of   the   radio.  It   was    great   surprise   for   her   when   her   letters   were   selected   as   "talking  Letters"  in   a   radio   program   by   a  highly   intellectual    personality   of   media   ,social  and   literature  world.   She    was   even   more   surprised   when   she   was   asked   to   send   her   literary   efforts  .She   sent   and   received   many   compliments   for   it .  She    made   her   parents   to   listen   her   poetry   while   it   was   being  broadcast . They   were   proud   of   her  and   asked  her   with   teary   eyes   as   if   really   she   wrote   all   this??? 

 She     considered    radio   her    second   mother   from   whom   she   learned    life . who    taught  her   how   the   world   is   and   what   are   the   best   ways   to   survive  in   it.  Ah ..............
I   still    miss    that    stary     nights    when  moon   shone   brightly   and   proudly   among   stars  ,breeze     whispered     in   the   the   leafy   ears   of   trees   in   our   big  wide   yard   on  hill   top  and  i   used   to   place   my    little   transistor    beside   my   pillow   and    slept    while   listening   my   favorite   shows .Beautiful    serene   environment    and   sense   of    freedom  floated   me   over   the   dream   lands    of    love ,play  and  livelihood . 

 I    had    two   sets   of   radio  ,one   was   quite   big   with  loud   voice.very   heavy   indeed. 
Older   than   me . The   other   was   little   transistor   brought   by   father  specially   for   me  to   listen  in  bed{ though mom  did  not   like  the idea}. Unfortunately   they   both   were   broken   accidentally  by   my   elder   brother  and   for   many  years   i   kept   their   pieces   with   me   as   memories {other time story} but  finally  three   year   ago   i   buried    those   pieces  to  release   myself   from  pain. 

 my   lovely   precious   friends  please  take  great   care  .
God Bless  You  All!!!


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