Poems for weekenders :) from the past 2003-2005

in #poem7 years ago


um beijo. constante. entre sobre viver e a morte. por ter consciência que não vivendo ao menos daí vivo. sem ressentimentos.

(Sónia Oliveira, 2003)

Translation (a bit rougher, some of the writing style is harder to translate because the words are etymologically different, therefore the game rules change :P )


a kiss. constant, between sur vival and death. Being, painfully aware of when I'm not truly living, knowing that at least in that awareness I feel alive. Without resentment.


Repete-se o ar e as falácias da luz,
E eu não vejo bem, não vislumbro o toque da lucidez
Na face do dia.

Sinto torpes os dedos, cansados, quase mortos.
E ainda assim, sós, conseguem apertar o pensamento
E dançar com ideias. Penoso e triste senso.

Encaminho a coragem para a burocracia do dia,
E encaminho muitos outros projectos para a doce frustração do nada.
Porquê conquistar só um caminho…
Quando todos parecem tão meus, tão intrínsecos e próximos.

Todos os caminhos serão de outros.
Nunca meus.
Serei sempre uma parte do que sou, incompleta.

(Sónia Oliveira, 2006)

Translation (I'll do the best i can)

The air and the fallacies of light repeat themselves,
And I do not see well, I can not foresee the touch of lucidity
In the face of the day.

I feel my fingers clumsy, tired, almost dead.
And yet, alone, they can grip the thought
And dance with ideas. Painful and sad sense.

I forward the courage to the bureaucracy of the day,
And I send my many other projects to the sweet frustration of nothingness.
Why conquer only one ...
When every one of them feel so mine, so intrinsic and eminent.

All paths will be of others.
Never mine.
I will always be a part of what I am, incomplete.


I decided to share these two of my dear writings. The first shorter writing is the title and concept of the blog i created back in 2003, i was 21.
pseudo artolas.jpg
The second poem is also from a somehow distant past, 2006. At that time I was 24, on the verge of breaking up a 3 y relationship... It was Summer, i was spending a few weeks with friends in a beach house of one of them, and it was great, good music, good talks, good leisure time, long walks, and the sea in Portugal Atlantic coast (Pedra do Ouro, Golden Stone beach) :) I


Obrigada! Boa ideia a da gazeta, conteúdo bastante relevante, já estou a seguir a gazeta e alguns dos autores publicados :)

Grazas polo apoio.
Sirvase solicitar ajuda para calquera projeto que faga despegar o galego portugues no Steemit.

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