in #poem7 years ago

I walked up to her two nights ago, asking the same question I've always asked. Do you love me?
I waited in silence as she sipped from her mug, the scent of coffee filled the atmosphere, the view from the roof was Epic and presented a welcoming feel. I was optimistic as ever. Having stalked her for 72 months, I was certain the oars were in my favor. "No I do not, I love HIM"!

I was jerked from my thoughts, reality had beckoned and oblige I had to. Her response felt like paralysis to my heart, the piercing was like the sound of thunder, effect like the speed of lightning. I was dropped from a height I would never recover from, I was dead even before I hit the ground.

Couldn't you have been more subtle, I waited 312 weeks, 51840 hours, 2190 days... Her smile was welcoming but i was hurt, her voice sent shivers down my spine. She was gifted with oratory and as she spoke I was compelled to listen.

He waited 6000 years, walked through the shadow of death, His life was the price, my love his reward.

I drifted into oblivion as I travelled in my mind. How could this even be possible? My understanding was limited, my mind unfruitful.

She spoke of a mystery so rare, their mystery. This love was older than my best wine, its existence dated the inception of mankind.

So old yet so genuine, so far yet so deep. As i retreated from this journey whose verdict was known from the foundation of the earth, I vowed never to let go. If HE waited 6000 years for this beauty, I'll wait 8 if i have to. All i need is an elixir of life whose recipe is his blood.


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